About Tokyo Tech

Tokyo Tech Academy for Leadership

ToTAL is an extracurricular educational program offered for a maximum of five years from the master’s degree program.

The ToTAL program acts like a learning commons where students from all Schools inspire and support each other to enjoy challenges together. It provides a variety of programs and courses for students to develop leadership skills that are needed to become innovative global citizens in a rapidly-changing era.

Seeds of Leadership Nurtured at ToTAL

Gain awareness of yourself in history and the world, and discover motivation from within yourself
Accept differences between yourself and others, develop mutual respect, and work together to build a better society
Enjoy the creativity in unexpected outcomes by cultivating a spirit of curiosity and sustained endeavor

Introductory video - full version

Introductory video - short version

Outline of ToTAL

  • Students eligible for application : Master's students
  • Credits required for completion of the program : 16 credits (7 credits before completion of master's degree program)

Enrollment process

Attend a briefing session
usually held twice a year (in April and October)
Details will be posted on our website.
Briefing scheduleouter
Submit an online application
Take a screening test (interview)
Register to join ToTAL

Participation of non-ToTAL students

All undergraduate and graduate students may participate in classes or workshops for the following courses ("ToTAL OPEN Programs") if there are vacancies, without registering in ToTAL. Please check our website, posters on campus and monthly mail news for more information.

  • Fundamental Group Work for Leadership Courses
  • Practical Group Work for Leadership Courses
  • Professionals and Value Creation Courses
  • Recognition of Social Issues Workshop Courses

Examples of some classes at ToTAL

  • Design Thinking workshop by lecturers from Stanford d.school
  • Design Thinking workshop by lecturers from Stanford d.school

Design Thinking workshop by lecturers from Stanford d.school

  • Mindfulness and Self-leadership class by Professor Jeremy Hunter of Claremont Graduate University
    Mindfulness and Self-leadership class by Professor Jeremy Hunter of Claremont Graduate University
  • Classes held inviting young leaders active in the industry, government and academia sectors as guest lecturers
    Classes held inviting young leaders active in the industry, government and academia sectors as guest lecturers
  • Egaku : A workshop to foster your creativity
    Egaku : A workshop to foster your creativity


Tokyo Tech Academy for Leadership (ToTAL)

Email total.jim@total.titech.ac.jp
Tel +81-3-5734-3755