Prospective Students

Application Guides

Bachelor's Degree Program

Tokyo Institute of Technology(Tokyo Tech) and Tokyo Medical and Dental University(TMDU) will be integrated to become "Institute of Science Tokyo" as of October 1, 2024.
Please note that those who pass the selection processes will be among the students of the new university.
For details, please refer to the following article.

Diet to amend legislation, enable formation of Institute of Science Tokyo in October 2024

The Global Scientists and Engineers Program (GSEP) commencing in April 2025

Graduate Programs

International Graduate Program (A) commencing in Fall

International Graduate Program (B) – Science Tokyo – RIKEN International School, commencing in Fall

International Graduate Program (B) Early Application for applicants seeking scholarships from their home governments, commencing in Fall

International Graduate Program (C) commencing in Spring

International Graduate Program (C) commencing in Fall

JICA ABE Initiative Commencing in September 2024

JICA SDGs Global Leader Commencing in September 2024

Application guides for entrance examinations conducted in Japanese (Gradute programs)

The electronic PDF versions of the application guide for the following program which entrance examinations conducted in Japanese do not include an application form and should be used for reference only. Those who wish to apply for the program, make sure to obtain a printed version of the application guide.

  • Doctoral degree program (General Examination), Fall/Spring intake
  • Department of Technology and Innovation Management (Professional Master's Degree program) for working adult, Spring intake

There are two ways to obtain a printed version of the application guide.

1. Visit campus and receive in person

Ookayama Campus

  • Admissions Division (West Bldg. 8E), 9:00 - 17:00 (weekdays except holidays)
  • Campus Security Center at the main gate, 7:00 - 22:00 (weekdays, weekends, and holidays)

Suzukakedai Campus

Suzukakedai Student Group, Student Division(J1 Bldg.), 9:00 - 17:00 (weekdays only)

Tamachi Campus

Campus Innovation Center, Rm. 807, 9:00 - 17:00 (weekdays except holidays)

2. Request and receive by postal mail

If you wish to have a copy of the guidelines sent to you by postal mail, send a request to the address mentioned below by post. Also, please keep in mind the following:

On the front of the envelope, indicate using red ink for which program(s) you are requesting guidelines, and write your name, address and phone number on the back. To request copies of past guidelines, add "for reference" in red on the front.
Enclose a self-addressed A4 envelope (24 cm x 33 cm, Japanese Kaku 2 (角2号) size) with postage affixed and a note of your phone number. The return postage must be calculated based on the total weight of copies requested and the return envelope (approx. 20 g) in reference the link above. Please also print "Yu-Mail (ゆうメール)" clearly in red on the front of the return envelope.

Admissions Division, Student Services Department
Tokyo Institute of Technology
W8-103, 2-12-1, Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, JAPAN

Requests for mailing overseas are not accepted. If you are currently living outside Japan, please have someone living in Japan make the request on your behalf.