On-Campus Daycare Center
With internationalization and other concerns in mind, we established a nursery school so that outstanding researchers and students from overseas can come to Japan (or those from places in Japan far away from Tokyo can come to Tokyo Tech) with peace of mind, and so that our researchers, students and faculty can return after childbirth and continue their education, research or careers without worry.
Establishment of On-Campus Daycare Center
Our Tech Tech Nursery* opened at the Ookayama Campus on April 1, 2017.
The name "Tech Tech" refers both to technology and naturally to Tokyo Tech as well as to the Japanese onomatopoeia teku teku, which represents the sound of a steady gait. We chose it to express our hope for the sound development of the children learning to crawl, waddle and then walk with a steady gait.
- *
Tech Tech Nursery is a regional childcare service within an institution (workplace nursery) run in cooperation with Ota Ward. This is a new type of childcare facility operated by an employer that makes certain there is sufficient capacity for the local children. It was created under a government-led program started in FY2017 called the Comprehensive Support System for Children and Child-Rearing. Given the reason for its establishment, the nursery must always have a certain number of openings so that it can accept new children even in the middle of a fiscal year. By making Tech Tech Nursery a regional childcare service, we significantly reduce the cost burden that it would present compared to a traditional workplace nursery.
Request to Support Nursery Maintenance
Thank you for your generous support of the Tokyo Tech Fund.
The Tokyo Institute of Technology is currently promoting educational and research reforms aimed at making us one of the world's top ten research universities. These reforms are posted on our website regarding the new educational framework and research structure that began in FY2016. In addition, we believe that strengthening our international competitiveness will also require maintaining and improving our research environment and internationalizing our campuses.
We often invite many foreign researchers to Japan, notably to our Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI), established under MEXT's WPI program, which is designed to create world-class research centers. These researchers often bring their families along, and they are bewildered by the challenging childcare situation in Japan. There have also been many cases involving international students who were forced to leave Tokyo Tech after being unable to get their children into childcare facilities because workers receive higher priority than students.
Teachers and researchers who have given birth in the middle of the academic year also face a particularly tough situation. The academic year end and conference seasons are especially important to those professionals — they would work if they could put their child in a nursery but likely can't find a vacancy until the next fiscal year. This forces many of them to put their teaching and research on hold.
Internationalization and boosting the number of female researchers are both indispensable elements in our drive to become one of the world's top 10 research universities. We believe that having a childcare facility that accommodates the children of employees as well as students even in the middle of the academic year is an urgent issue.
As you may be aware, budget allocations from MEXT do not include nursery-related expenses.
We hope you will support us in the realization of our goal of "World's Top 10."
President, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Use of fund
Your donation will be used for a portion of the nursery school's operating expenses directly related to caring for the children of Tokyo Tech employees and students. We use the funds to ensure that the children grow up healthy in an appropriate living environment, and that the nursery school is operated in a safe, secure and reliable manner.
If it becomes necessary to establish another nursery school on another one of our campuses, your donations will be put to good use for them as well.
Activity Report
Tech Tech Nursery opens at Ookayama Campus
Tech Tech Nursery opened its doors at Ookayama Campus on April 1, 2017.
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Unrestricted Fund
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Restricted funds
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