Special medical screening
The special medical screening is provided for those who are exposed to ionizing radiation and/or organic solvents, and engage in other specialized research. Students in their senior year and above, including research students, are recommended to take the screening if they belong to such a laboratory.
Special medical screening for ionizing radiation is held twice a year in April and October. Special medical screenings for organic solvents and specified chemicals, etc. are scheduled annually in October. Please confirm your academic supervisor for necessity to take the medical screening.
Who needs to take the special medical screening?
Ionizing radiation
Those who fall into categories A and B at the training (workshop) held by the Radiation Research and Management Center are required to have this medical screening in Spring and Autumn. See if you need to take the screening by referring to the interview sheet here.
Organic solvents・Specified chemicals・Others
Those who handle organic solvents, specified chemicals, etc. at least once a week, 12 weeks or more frequently per year are required to have this medical screening in Autumn .