Certificate Programs for Current Students
Bachelor's and Master's Degree Education Platform for Acquiring the Skills and Expertise Necessary to Be Globally Competitive
Cross-Registration Programs with Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Integrated Master's and Doctoral Program for Cultivating Global Leaders
Degree Program Provided throughout Graduate Studies for Future Global Leadership in Sci-Tech
Integrated Master's and Doctoral Program for Cultivating Multitalented Individuals Who Can Connect Materials with Information
This graduate education program aims to train super-skilled PhD holders with technical and professional knowledge capable of leading multiple sectors realizing the future super smart society based on quantum science
This graduate education program aims to cultivate "Multi-scope・Energy WISE Professionals" who can design a new sustainable energy society with mastering of "Multi-disciplinary energy science" and using "big data science" and "social design"
Education program aiming to cultivate "co-creative experts" capable of solving social problems by making full use of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DS&AI) across disciplines regardless of their own specializations
International Education Program, TIER
Dual Degree Program
A unique Tokyo Tech program that enables students intending to proceed to the doctoral program to start planning for graduate studies from the second year of their undergraduate program.