Tokyo Tech News

FY2014 STAR Grant Recipients Selected


Published: June 22, 2015

Three Tokyo Tech faculty members have been named as the recipients of the Support for Tokyo Tech Advanced Researchers (STAR) grant for FY2014.

Front row from left: Grant recipients — Associate Professors Inamura, Yoshizawa, and Nishiyama Back row from left: Professor Emeritus and former Executive Vice President for Research Takashi Tatsumi and President Yoshinao Mishima

Front row from left: Grant recipients — Associate Professors Inamura, Yoshizawa, and Nishiyama
Back row from left: Professor Emeritus and former Executive Vice President for Research Takashi Tatsumi and President Yoshinao Mishima

The STAR grant is awarded each year to promising young researchers. Recipients should conduct research in areas with themes that have the potential to become national projects in the future. Other recipients are to include those who have achieved distinguished results in the fundamental sciences. Through the STAR grant, Tokyo Tech seeks to support upcoming 'shining stars' in the next generation of researchers.

About the STAR grant


Funded by the Tokyo Institute of Technology Foundation, this program aims to provide large-scale support to bright young researchers who create new value based on various unique research achievements in the fundamental sciences. This objective is in line with the Institute's mid-term goals and contributes to enhancing research capacity.

Selection Process

Based on their career and research achievements, recipients are selected by the President and the head of the Research Strategy Office. Individuals cannot apply for this grant.

Selection criteria

  • Young researchers engaged in a project which contributes to strategic policies on the national level
  • Young researchers who demonstrated outstanding achievement in basic research
  • Early-career researchers with a title of associate professor or below (in principle under the age of 40)

This year, three faculty members were named as recipients of the STAR grant.

Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Associate Professor
Nobuhiko Nishiyama
Chemical Resources Laboratory
Associate Professor
Michito Yoshizawa
Precision and Intelligence Laboratory
Associate Professor
Tomonari Inamura
Award ceremony

Award ceremony

President and former Executive Vice President congratulating recipients

President and former Executive Vice President
congratulating recipients


Research Planning Group, Research Planning Division,
Research Promotion Department
