Tokyo Tech News

First Hitotsubashi student completes Tokyo Tech AGL course


Published: November 5, 2019

(from left) Nakamura, Nunoi, Watanabe, Masu, Satoh, Yamada

(from left) Nakamura, Nunoi, Watanabe, Masu, Satoh, Yamada

In September 2019, Mayu Watanabe became the first Hitotsubashi University student to complete Tokyo Tech's Academy for Global Leadership (AGL) program. A ceremony to recognize her achievements was held on October 15 by President Kazuya Masu in the presence of Provost and Executive Vice President Isao Satoh, AGL Director Satoshi Nakamura, Tokyo Tech Academy for Leadership (ToTAL) and former AGL Professor Keisuke Yamada, and Professor Chihiro Nunoi from the Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Law.

AGL's Global Leadership Education Program, established in 2011 and backed by the Japanese government as a Program for Leading Graduate Schools, comprehensively trains students into highly skilled international leaders alongside their chosen master's and doctoral programs. Numerous Hitotsubashi students have studied courses offered by the demanding program, but Watanabe is the first such student to complete all prescribed AGL credits in addition to her doctoral degree requirements.

Watanabe (left) receiving AGL completion certificate from Masu

Watanabe (left) receiving AGL completion certificate from Masu

After accumulating work experience, Watanabe enrolled in the doctoral program at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy (ICS). However, she also wanted to explore the trinity of business, science and technology, and government while taking full advantage of the broad perspectives shared at AGL by Tokyo Tech faculty and students. Hence, she joined the academy in the fall of 2013 as a member of the third cohort.

In addition to equipping her with knowledge regarding various leadership philosophies, the AGL journey took Watanabe around the world, including to Stanford and Harvard Universities for training programs. In the future, she aims to incorporate ideas from technology and design to prevent, manage, and resolve conflicts, and to exercise her leadership abilities in the field of online dispute resolution.

"This is the first time that a student from Hitotsubashi University has completed the AGL program — a truly outstanding achievement," Masu commented during the ceremony. "While completing your doctoral studies at Hitotsubashi University, you also completed a program here at Tokyo Tech, and you should be proud."

"I am delighted to witness the first Hitotsubashi University student to graduate from the AGL program, a collaboration between Tokyo Tech and Hitotsubashi University. Keep doing what you are doing and you will change the world," Satoh said.

Watanabe in discussion with Tokyo Tech president and other ceremony participants

Watanabe in discussion with Tokyo Tech president and other ceremony participants


Academy for Global Leadership Administration Office


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