Tokyo Tech News

Tokyo Tech Gender Equal Forum held online


Published: March 18, 2022

The Tokyo Tech Gender Equal Forum, co-hosted by the Diversity Promotion Office, the Public Engagement Division, and the Taki Plaza Gardeners (TPG) student group, was held online on February 18 to promote gender diversity in science and technology. The event, which brought together over 100 female middle and high school students, business professionals, and other members of the public across Japan, is one channel through which Tokyo Tech encourages diversity and equal opportunity in fields that have traditionally been male dominated.

Flyer introducing forum speaker and panelists

Flyer introducing forum speaker and panelists

Flyer introducing forum speaker and panelists

After opening words from Tokyo Tech President Kazuya Masu, Associate Professor Renge Jibu from the Institute for Liberal Arts kicked off the event with a keynote speech entitled "Gender in popular dramas." After this, four panelists — all alumnae of Tokyo Tech — held discussions and introduced the progression of their careers since they left the Institute. Jibu facilitated the discussions, while 2nd-year Electrical and Electronic Engineering student Atsunori Sakata, a member of the TPG student group, also joined in to answer a number of questions from the participants tuning in from across the country.

Opening words from President Masu
Opening words from President Masu

Keynote speech by Assoc. Prof. Jibu
Keynote speech by Assoc. Prof. Jibu

Many participants expressed great satisfaction in the post-event survey, stating that the session not only provided them with an opportunity to learn about the careers of Tokyo Tech alumnae, but also to think more deeply about gender and diversity.

EVP and head of Diversity Promotion Office Isao Satoh offering his comments after lively discussions

EVP and head of Diversity Promotion Office Isao Satoh offering his comments after lively discussions

Women remain significantly underrepresented in the fields of science and engineering in Japan, just as in many other regions across the world. Through initiatives such as the Women in Science & Technology Fund, Tokyo Tech continues to create opportunities for future leaders regardless of their gender or background.

Tokyo Tech Fund

This event is supported by Tokyo Tech Fund

Tokyo Institute of Technology Fund


Public Engagement Division
