Tokyo Tech News

Online audio editing and video production workshops spark student creativity


Published: April 5, 2022

In February 2022, the Tokyo Tech Online Education Development Office (OEDO) within the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL) held two online Zoom workshops covering audio editing and video production for Tokyo Tech students, staff, and faculty members.

The audio editing workshop was held on the afternoon of February 16. The 4-hour online workshop was led by a guest instructor, Hiroki Ohsawa, a film and commercial director. This workshop aimed to train participants in the basic aspects of audio editing using Adobe Premiere Pro software. During the workshop, 16 participants had a chance to edit an audio file they prepared in advance for their own short self-introduction video to gain hands-on experience using the software. Some participants noted that holding the workshop online was convenient and the content was practical and easy to apply.

Lecture about how to edit audio

Lecture about how to edit audio

Audio editing workshop participants

Audio editing workshop participants

Following the audio editing workshop, a video production workshop was held during the same week from February 18 to 20. This 2.5-day workshop aimed to train participants on all aspects of video making including pre-production, production, post-production, and video delivery. During the workshop, 15 participants split into small groups to create a video one to three minutes in length either about Tokyo Tech or on an education-related theme. This workshop was also led by guest instructor Ohsawa, with two other invited instructors joining on the second and third day of the workshop — Kenneth Pulgar-Vidal, a film director from Los Angeles, and Rina Hoshino, an actress, voice actress, and filmmaker.

Instructors giving lectures and demonstration

Instructors giving lectures and demonstration

The first day's lecture covered the pre-production stage, which was followed by a group activity of making a storyboard for the group video. On the second day, all three instructors gave lectures and provided demonstrations of lighting, video shooting, and audio recording in two different settings such as a classroom and an apartment. Then, in the afternoon, each group started working on the video shooting at different locations on Ookayama Campus.

Groupwork activity: making a storyboard

Groupwork activity: making a storyboard

Groupwork activity: video shooting on campus

Groupwork activity: video shooting on campus

On the last day, each group worked on editing their own video using Adobe Premiere Pro software with the close assistance of the instructor. Finally, each group presented their video for all to watch and received comments from the instructors. The best video award was given to the group that prepared a video entitled "Journey to the East." It is a story about the journey of an international Tokyo Tech student applicant and their experiences prior to arrival at Tokyo Tech. For most international students, Japan is in the far east which is clearly explained in the well-crafted video.

Video titles for each group

Video titles for each group

In the post-workshop survey and closing interviews, some of the participants noted that the video workshop was a great way to undertake a creative project which they do not typically experience in their coursework or thesis research. In addition to graduate students, several staff members also participated and enjoyed having an opportunity to create videos with students.

Best video group

Best video group

Video production workshop participants

Video production workshop participants


Online Education Development Office,
Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning

Tel +81-3-5734-2993