Tokyo Tech News
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Tokyo Tech News
Published: January 30, 2024
From September 4 to December 4, 2023, Tokyo Tech welcomed 11 students from Thailand Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (TAIST)-Tokyo Tech, a graduate education program jointly organized by the Institute in collaboration with Thailand's National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) and leading Thai universities.
First visit to Ookayama Campus
Tokyo Tech faculty members are heavily involved in the program, serving as lecturers and, in cooperation with faculty members of the Thai partner universities and researchers from NSTDA, as academic co-supervisors of TAIST students.
To encourage greater interaction between students from TAIST and Tokyo Tech, the Institute launched the TAIST-Tokyo Tech Student Exchange Program in 2015 and has continued the program since then. In addition to an outbound program for Tokyo Tech students to conduct research internships and take courses in Thailand, the inbound program provides opportunities for TAIST students to take advantage of the Institute's excellent research environment by conducting master's thesis research in Tokyo Tech laboratories.
The 2023 inbound program enabled TAIST students to spend three months at Tokyo Tech, where they conducted research and joined seminars and events at their host laboratories. They also enjoyed campus tours, including Tokyo Tech faculty labs, and a visit to a Japanese company. Some of the participants also enrolled in courses at Tokyo Tech.
During visits to Tokyo Tech faculty members' labs, program participants eagerly asked questions as they received briefings on each lab's research activities. Through the lab visits, program participants gained exposure to Tokyo Tech research in various fields and deepened their understanding of the research underway at particular laboratories involved with the TAIST program.
Tour of Suzukakedai Library
Visiting Isshiki Lab., School of Engineering
Off campus, the TAIST students visited the RICOH Eco Business Development Center. They were inspired by stepping into the office automation equipment reuse and recycling site and witnessing actual operations and an automated guided robot. During the visit, they asked many questions and were able to deepen their knowledge.
At the end of the program, participants gave final presentations on their research to an audience that included their academic supervisors, fellow lab members, and faculty members, as well as guests from companies supporting TAIST. After their presentations, the students responded to questions in English.
Visiting RICOH Eco Business Development Center
Professor Katsunori Hanamura of the School of Engineering and chair of the Steering Committee for TAIST awarded a certificate of program completion to each student, and Executive Vice President for Education Jun-ichi Imura gave a toast to the participants at a reception that followed. Program participants reflected together on their 92-day stay in Japan, and Tokyo Tech faculty members encouraged and wished them a future full of success in their research.
Toast by EVP Imura at Reception
Activities in the program were amazing. I've seen many new things for me and it was my eye-opening experience that I'll never forget.
The research and study at Tokyo Tech provided me experiences from many perspectives. When I go to study place, I learned the hardworking and disciplines of other students that motivates me to take challenges. The weekly lab meeting with my supervisor and research candidates allowed me to improve my knowledge such as delivering effective research presentation, to think from the audience side, and to point out the main idea of our current research during the presentation.
I will never forget about this exchange period in my life in Japan. I got a lot of fun and knowledge not only from the academic side but also from the daily life.
Program participants made the most of their short stay and have now returned to Thailand to complete their master's theses. After graduation, some will advance to doctoral programs at universities in Thailand or abroad, including Tokyo Tech, while others will pursue careers with Thai and foreign companies. Participants are expected to utilize the knowledge and experience they have gained at Tokyo Tech to work actively around the world.
After the final presentations, TAIST students with participants