Tokyo Tech News

Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning launched


Published: June 12, 2015

Tokyo Tech is on its way to releasing a new curriculum in April 2016 as part of its education reform process. With this objective in mind, the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL) has been established. The opening ceremony was held on April 1, 2015.

CITL has three main pillars to drive through the Institute's education reform process: a framework for assuring education quality, professional development for faculty, and development of the educational learning environment. Furthermore, the Online Education Development Office (OEDO) has been set up as a division within the Center to produce MOOCs. OEDO initiatives also include the planning and production of online courses and flipped learning capabilities, all carried out to develop the Institute's internal online education environment.

President Mishima putting up CITL signboard with Executive Vice President Maruyama and CITL Director Matsuzawa
President Mishima putting up CITL signboard with Executive Vice President Maruyama and CITL Director Matsuzawa

During his opening remarks at the CITL opening ceremony, President Yoshinao Mishima expressed hope that CITL's activities would strongly promote the education reform process. Executive Vice President Toshio Maruyama added that he would like the new center to be of great support to all faculty members. Akira Matsuzawa, the director of CITL, expressed his determination to improve the educational quality of Tokyo Tech.

The Center designs courses for the new education system and leads professional development of faculty to realize student-centered learning. The first MOOC produced by OEDO will begin late this summer in conjunction with edX, a US-based MOOC consortium. CITL is working to achieve a level of education on par with top-level universities worldwide.

CITL members
CITL members

Tokyo Tech's Education Reform

For an overview of Tokyo Tech's education reform, please visit here.

Tokyo Tech's Education Reform


Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL)

West Bldg. 9, Rm 212, Ookayama Campus
Tel +81-3-5734-2993