Tokyo Tech News
Tokyo Institute of Technology merged with Tokyo Medical and Dental University to form Institute of Science Tokyo (Science Tokyo) on October 1, 2024.
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Tokyo Tech News
The Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award is given to young faculty members who undertake bold and original research, promote advancement in cutting-edge fields, and develop innovative solutions to key issues. This award is also designed to provide support for research expenses. Many recipients go on to earn other commendations and prizes from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Ten individuals were selected to receive the 15th Challenging Research Award in 2016.
Name |
Affiliation |
Title |
Research topic |
Associate Professor |
Exploring planetesimal formation from multiple dust rings in protoplanetary disks |
Assistant Professor |
Invention of nano-G inertia sensor by metal-crystal-grain controlled micro-electro-mechanical devices |
Associate Professor |
Development of new solid catalysts including electrons or hydride ions |
Associate Professor |
Experimental test of universal laws for many-body stochastic processes using liquid crystal turbulence and holographic techniques |
Associate Professor |
Innovative microstructural control of steel via martensitic reversion |
Associate Professor |
Multi-active site surface for novel molecular transformation |
Associate Professor |
Verification of the developmental origins of health and disease theory using a human iPS cell system |
Assistant Professor |
Dynamic functional molecules based on multi-block structures |
Associate Professor |
Enhancing microalgal biomass productivity by genetic engineering |
Assistant Professor |
Innovative material conversion and new functional materials based on electron-deficient boron compounds |
*Granted a special award by the president
Presentation at the award ceremony in 2015