Tokyo Tech News

TSUBAME e-Science Journal Vol.15 has been published


Published: April 14, 2017

Tokyo Tech's Global Scientific Information and Computing Center (GSIC) has published the 15th issue of TSUBAME e-Science Journal (TSUBAME ESJ), a research paper magazine presenting studies which utilize Tokyo Tech's supercomputer, TSUBAME. The 15th issue carries three papers.

  • TTX: A Direct Numerical Simulation Code for Turbulent Reacting Flows
  • A High-level Framework for Parallel and Efficient AMR on GPUs
  • DS-CUDA: A Handy Tool to Use GPUs in a Cloud Network

TSUBAME e-Science Journal Vol.15

TSUBAME e-Science Journal Vol.15


TSUBAME ESJ Editorial Room, GSIC


Tel +81-3-5734-2085

This article has been updated to correct a typographical error on December 15.