Developing Creative Thinking Through Art (Priority given to undergraduate students, 5 classes)


Published: August 3, 2023

In the 3rd quarter of this year, 5 classes of "Developing Creative Thinking Through Art" will be offered to mainly undergraduate students at Tokyo Tech. This workshop is one of Tokyo Tech entrepreneurship development programs and it aims to develop and strengthen entrepreneurship skills, creativity skills to generate ideas from scratch, and promote diverse perspectives and verbalization skills through art appreciation and creation. In this five-day workshop, students will learn how to develop creative thinking and creative communication skills – essential skills to help you to thrive in the VUCA era, acquire the foundational skills to help you realize your potential and carve out your own future, and collaboration skills to work effectively in diverse teams.

This class is especially recommended for those who:

  • want to discover their personal values and driving forces, what they want to do, and what their possibilities are
  • want to understand and acquire the essence of creative thinking necessary to solve complex problems
  • want to improve their "creative communication skills" necessary to collaborate with diverse people
  • want to understand and cultivate the mindset needed to build an authentic and rewarding career aligned with their values in these uncertain times
  • are anxious about the future or feel trapped in the status quo, and struggle to adopt a future-oriented mindset


Date and time (5 classes)

【Day 1】Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 5:30 p.m. - 7:10 p.m.
【Day 2】Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 5:30 p.m. - 7:10 p.m.
【Day 3】Tuesday, October 31, 2023, 5:30 p.m. - 7:10 p.m.
【Day 4】Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 5:30 p.m. - 7:10 p.m.
【Day 5】Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 5:30 p.m. - 7:10 p.m.


You are requested to join all 5 classes.



Tokyo Tech students (Priority given to undergraduate students)


Approximately 30 students




Japanese and English

Host organization

Center for Entrepreneurship Education, Tokyo Tech


CEO(Representative Director) Kimi Hasebe, White Ship, Inc.
Director, ELAB


Please apply using the form below.

  • A selection will be made if the number of applications exceeds capacity.
  • Graduate students may also apply; however, undergraduate students are given priority.
    Graduate students who may participate will be notified on a later date.

Developing Creative Thinking Through Art (Priority given to undergraduate students, 5 classes)

Developing Creative Thinking Through Art (Priority given to undergraduate students, 5 classes)



Tokyo Tech Academy for Leadership (ToTAL)

Tel +81-3-5734-3755