Tokyo Tech Academy for Leadership: Fall 2023 Enrollment Briefing Sessions


Published: September 12, 2023

Tokyo Tech Academy for Leadership (ToTAL) will hold Fall 2023 briefing sessions on October 12 and October 16, both in person and online. All master’s students (M1 & M2) from all Schools are eligible to enroll in the program. Attend a session, as it will be the first step to join the program as a member of the 6th cohort from the 4th quarter.

ToTAL is an extracurricular excellence program for students from all Schools and various backgrounds to develop leadership skills to bring out the best in one another and become innovative global citizens in a rapidly-changing era through interaction with fellow students from diverse disciplines.

There are financial supports such as tuition exemption for doctoral degree program students (conditions apply) and support for an off-campus project of approximately three months for all doctoral students who pass the QE. (Financial support after AY2026 is yet to be decided.)

Details will be explained at the briefing session. Join a session to learn more.


Date and time

Day 1: Thursday, October 12, 2023, 5:30 p.m. -
Day 2: Monday, October 16, 2023, 5:30 p.m. -



Tokyo Tech master's students (M1 and M2)


Day 1: English
Day 2: Japanese
(Questions in English will be accepted for both days.)

Host organization

Tokyo Tech Academy for Leadership


To attend in person

No prior registration necessary. Please come directly to the venue. Current ToTAL students are planning to hold an open Q&A time after each briefing session for those who wish to ask questions.

To attend online

Please register from the following link.

Tokyo Tech Academy for Leadership: Fall 2023 Enrollment Briefing Sessions

Classes and workshops at ToTAL

Classes and workshops at ToTAL

Classes and workshops at ToTAL

Classes and workshops at ToTAL

Classes and workshops at ToTAL


Tokyo Tech Academy for Leadership (ToTAL)

Tel +81-3-5734-3755