【Regarding changing opening hours of Hisao & Hiroko Taki Plaza from Apr 26】


(English version below)

The opening hours of Taki Plaza have been changed from April 26, 2021, as the University's policy on extracurricular activities for students has become Level III in the University's policy for responding to covid-19.

Term : From Apr 26. 2021 until becoming Level II or lower

Opening hours : Mon to Fri 8:30~17:15, Sat/Sun/Holidays Closed

During Level III, reservations for Taki Plaza facilities are also not allowed. Thank you for your understanding.

In addition, please observe the following precautions.

●Be sure to sanitize your hands.

●Take your temperature with the thermometer at the main entrance. If you have a fever of 37.5℃ or over, you are not permitted to enter the building.

●Activities involving in-person gatherings are prohibited.

●You can eat and drink only at the designated place on the second basement floor, and thoroughly eat silently.

●When using the building, please prevent the three Cs, which are closed spaces, crowded places and close-contact settings, always use a mask, and do not have a loud conversation.

Reference: Policy on extracurricular activities for students: Level III

●Activities involving in-person gatherings are prohibited.

●On-campus facilities related to extracurricular activities are closed.

●Participation in training camps or similar events should be avoided.


Student Support Planning Group, Student Support Division

E-mail : gak.sie@jim.titech.ac.jp

Tel : +81-3-5734-3011

Update : April 28, 2021