Recruiting TAs for Winter Program (BIRD) 2023 with students from overseas partner universities

Bringing Ideas in Remote Discussion (BIRD) - virtual exchange program (AY 2023)


Published: September 25, 2023

International Student Exchange Division is recruiting Teaching Assistants to support a virtual exchange program, Bringing Ideas in Remote Discussion (BIRD), for students from Tokyo Tech and the selected partner universities.

TAs' responsibilities

-Participation in preparatory meetings with professors
-Facilitation of teamwork conducted in English

Dates and times

-Preparatory meetings: TBA (February 2024): approximately 120 min. total
-Facilitation: A total of 17-18 hours during the program period from February 9 to 20, 2024.


Ookayama campus, Zoom, Slack or another online tool


Graduate students (M or D) with a good command of English and experience as a facilitator of discussions conducted in English.

Number of applicants

7~8 graduate students


Once the required number of TAs are recruited, we will stop accepting applications. Interviews will be conducted before recruiting.

How to apply


Tokyo Tech Winter Program / BIRD
Hosting International Exchange Group, Global Education Division
