Tokyo Tech News
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Tokyo Tech News
Published: July 9, 2020
Student Survey 2020 is open to all Tokyo Tech students until July 22, 2020.
Every other year, the Institute conducts a survey to ensure that students have their say in making Tokyo Tech a better place. This includes changes and improvements to the curriculum, facilities, and on-campus services. The survey, which has been running since 2005, is organized mainly by voluntary student staff members who collect, analyze, and summarize the results in a proposal to the Tokyo Tech president.
Academic year 2020 has been particularly challenging, and the effects of the novel coronavirus continue to restrict the activities of many students both on and off campus. By combining pre-COVID19 student experiences and opinions regarding the current situation, this year's Students Survey aims to enhance Tokyo Tech while taking into account the need to adapt to a new normal.
Students' voices are an important part of positive transformation at Tokyo Tech, and the effects of the Student Survey are evident. For example, thanks to recommendations in 2018, the Institute renewed its authorized absence system and opened Ookayama Campus to food trucks that offer students more lunch options. While the implementation of certain suggestions requires significant amounts of preparatory work, funding, and time, Tokyo Tech strives to take into account all recommendations.
Students who have not shared their thoughts yet are encouraged to do so before the submission deadline.
Student Initiative Support Office, Student Support Center
Tel +81-3-5734-7629