About Tokyo Tech

Mid-Term Goals and Mid-Term Plans

National university corporations are obligated to establish mid-term plans based on six-year mid-term goals set by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

The mid-term plan currently in effect was started in fiscal year 2022, and is now in the fourth period.

The mid-term goals and mid-term plans for the Tokyo Institute of Technology are available below.

The following links provide access only to Japanese-language information.


Fiscal year reports, which are not required following the enforcement of the law for the partial revision of the National
University Corporation Act (Act No. 41, 2021), were discontinued in fiscal year 2022.

Fourth period mid-term goals

Fourth period mid-term goals (Japanese)

Fourth period mid-term plans

Third period mid-term goals

Third period mid-term plans

Third period fiscal year plans

Second period mid-term goals

Second period mid-term plans

Second period fiscal year plans

First period mid-term goals

First period mid-term plans

First period fiscal year plans


Institute Planning Group, Planning Division

Email kik.sog@jim.titech.ac.jp