Tokyo Tech is dedicated to generating excellent research findings and utilizing its research prowess to educate talented scientists, engineers, and professionals.
These talents, who are both willing and able to solve pressing societal problems, coupled with Tokyo Tech's cutting-edge science and technology, put the Institute at the front line of contributors capable of broad, global impact. We recognize the creation of this impact and the inception of a future society expected of us by 2030 as important goals as we approach the Institute's 150th anniversary.
While honoring its culture and traditions in specialized technical education and the liberal arts, Tokyo Tech is eager to contribute to the world. Through numerous Institute-wide workshops carried out since 2016, Tokyo Tech's students, staff, and management reached a consensus on how to achieve this goal — by sharing a spirit of "an alternate future" and endeavoring to "pursue, engage, and transfer."
The Tokyo Tech community's decisive efforts to open up a new society, encourage interactive engagement between the public and innovative science and technology, and create a Tokyo Tech on which the world relies are all represented in the Tokyo Tech 2030 statement. These efforts will undoubtedly bear fruit.
- Kazuya Masu
- President, Tokyo Tech