Housing Security Benefit Eligibility Criteria Expanded for Students in Some Cases


Published: July 21, 2020

Meguro-ku has announced the expansion of eligibility criteria for the Housing Security Benefit as follows.

In light of the spread of COVID-19, we now provide a Housing Security Benefit to those who have not yet lost their jobs or closed their businesses, but are in similar situations to those who have and may also lose their homes, due to loss of income.

In general, students are not eligible for the benefit because they do not fulfill requirements such as being “a person who was the main income earner of the household before leaving his/her job, etc.” or “a person who is willing to find employment.”

However, students in the following cases may be eligible for the benefit.

1. Students who are the main income earner of the household and aim to find employment without a fixed-term contract or employment with a fixed-term contract of four months or longer while going to college in the evening, etc.

2. Students paying their tuition and living costs largely by working part-time who lose their job(s), are at risk of losing their home, and are trying to find another job (the benefit will be provided for the time being as an exceptional case)

3. Students who are the main income earner of the household and whose informal job offer has been cancelled

The Housing Security Benefit is provided by the national government and therefore students living outside Meguro-ku are also eligible for the benefit if conditions are met. If you are eligible, contact the municipal government of your residential area or call the center run by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (Tel: 0120-23-5572, Hours: 9:00 to 21:00 including weekends and holidays).

Visit the following websites for details regarding eligibility.

Housing Security Benefit Eligibility Criteria Expanded for Students in Some Cases (住居確保給付金の対象範囲拡大について.pdf : in Japanese only)

Information about the Housing Security Benefit – Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website https://corona-support.mhlw.go.jp/jukyokakuhokyufukin/en/index.html List of the Self-Reliance Support Centers, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website https://corona-support.mhlw.go.jp/jukyokakuhokyufukin/counter.html (in Japanese only)

Update : July 21, 2020