Message from the President

Kazuya Masu

Committed to creating a better future

The Tokyo Institute of Technology Fund was established to celebrate the 130th anniversary of Tokyo Tech in 2011. Since then, contributions to the fund have created significant change in the lives of students, faculty, and staff, and have enabled the Institute to enhance its teaching, learning, and research environment.

The Japanese government recognized this excellence in March 2018, when it selected Tokyo Tech to guide the nation and the world into the future as a designated national university. The Institute confidently welcomed this responsibility, pledging to pioneer a new era through continuous dialogue with society and the discovery of hidden possibilities in science and technology.

As we embrace this challenge, I call on all members of Team Tokyo Tech — alumni, faculty, staff, students and their guardians, partner companies and organizations, and friends — to support the Institute in its efforts. With your help, we will continue to empower the young with the skills, creativity, and courage required to lead in this complex world. We will continue to generate research findings that offer real solutions to pressing global issues. We will continue to uphold our commitment to creating a better future.

I invite you all to join us.

Kazuya Masu
President, Tokyo Tech

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