Prospective Students

Life in the Lab

Taking your first steps as a researcher

At Tokyo Tech, 4th-year undergraduate students join the laboratory of their academic advisor and conduct research toward preparing their bachelor's degree thesis. Laboratory affiliation is also a requirement for master's students and doctoral students. Graduate programs consist of an equal amount of research work and coursework. That is, students will devote a great deal of time to engaging in experiments, debates, reading group sessions, and seminars with their academic advisors and fellow laboratory members.

Life in the Lab

This style of education, although not very common abroad, is welcomed by international students as it provides the opportunity to focus deeply on research while meeting new colleagues. Though research topics may appear similar from one laboratory to the next, each academic advisor has a unique approach to instruction. Some offer thorough guidance, while others allow members a freer hand. There are as many laboratory cultures as there are laboratories.

From the students' perspective, selecting the right laboratory -not only in terms of research topic but also style of instruction and culture- is crucial to making the most of your campus life. International students enrolling in a graduate program, who are required to select in advance the laboratory they wish to join, should not only consider their research topic and academic advisor's track record, but also get a feel for the atmosphere of the laboratory based on information gathered from the website. Once you have selected the right academic advisor for you, get in touch with him or her directly by email.

Advantages of studying at a laboratory

  • Closeness with your academic supervisor

    Closeness with your academic supervisor
    Laboratories are made up of 5 to 20 members. The greatest advantage of studying in a laboratory is the closeness with your academic supervisor(professor or associate professor). Daily interaction and discussions in a small group offer a close-up view of the perspectives of world-class researchers and the details of cutting-edge research.
  • Interaction with inspirational colleagues

    Interaction with inspirational colleagues
    From assistant professors and research associates to doctoral students, master's students, and undergraduate students, people in various positions gather at a laboratory to work with the academic advisor. These members all share a common goal -research- and the experience of interacting with them is rewarding and stimulating. The friendly rivalries that form when laboratory colleagues both help and compete with one another often becomes the main support structure during your life on campus.
  • The laboratory as your home

    The laboratory as your home
    When research work reaches a climax, members frequently spend days on end in the laboratory. The laboratory essentially becomes their second home. Many laboratories organize events like dinners and trips to foster friendships between members. The laboratory is a place not only for research, but also for building strong connections with the people around you.
  • Your starting point as a researcher

    Your starting point as a researcher
    Many laboratories provide one desk per student, enabling members to truly focus on their research. Those who work hard enough may even have the opportunity, as students, to present their work at conferences, participate in research society activities, and publish their papers in journals in and outside Japan. The laboratory is where you take your first steps as a researcher.


Public Relations Division, Tokyo Institute of Technology
