Prospective Students

Non-degree Programs

A variety of programs are available for non-regular students, including programs for students from partner universities and programs for students from other universities. Tokyo Tech also offers various learning opportunities such as those for research students and non-degree students.

International Exchange Students

Students from the institue’s partner universities who would like to study at Tokyo Tech as non-regular students for up to one year may apply to Tokyo Tech as International Exchange Students.

For more information Overseas Partner Universities

From Partner Universities with Institutional-Level Agreement (Tuition Waiver)

From Partner Universities with Institutional-Level Agreement (with Tuition and Fee Payment)

From Designated Partner Universities

CAMPUS Asia website

From Partner Universities with School-Level Agreement (Tuition Waiver)

After you are accepted to Tokyo Tech

International Visiting Students (from Non-partner Universities)

Students from non-partner universities can engage in study and research at Tokyo Tech as International Visiting Students.

For more information Overseas Partner Universities

International Exchange/Visiting Students FAQ

Graduate Research Students

Tokyo Tech accepts non-regular students who wish to conduct research under the guidance of Tokyo Tech faculty members (academic supervisors) as Research Students. Given that research is the purpose of admission, proof of sufficient scholastic ability to conduct research is a prerequisite for acceptance. Prospective applicants should contact the faculty member whom they wish to supervise their research and receive that professor's consent before filing an application. In principle, Research Students cannot take classes. However, should an academic supervisor find it necessary for a Research Student to take a course, attending may be possible with approval from the course instructor.

Non-degree Students

The non-degree student system makes it possible for Tokyo Tech to meet the needs of different types of student, including mid-career professionals, by allowing them to acquire credit for taking regular university courses.


International Exchange & Visiting Students

Hosting International Exchange Group, Global Education Division


Research Students (Privately Financed)

Graduate Services Group, Student Division


Non-degree Students

Registrar, Student Division
