Prospective Students


  • Period of Study
    ・Summer School
    July – September(3 months)

    ・Fall Semester Program
    <Research and/or Course-Oriented> (3 months or semester-long)
    Late September – Early February

    ・Summer School + Fall Semester Program
    July – Early February

  • Number of Participants
    Three to four (3-4) students each from Tsinghua, KAIST, and NTU

  • Student Status at Tokyo Tech
    International Exchange Student (non-regular, non-degree-seeking student)

  • Application Deadline
    Refer to the CAMPUS Asia Program website.
    CAMPUS Asia website - How to Apply


Under the CAMPUS Asia Initiative of the governments of Japan, China and South Korea, Tokyo Tech have been an active participant in and contributor to the TKT CAMPUS Asia Consortium, a joint education and research program with Tsinghua University and KAIST. Building upon its experience and achievements over the past ten years, the Consortium seeks to expand its success beyond the boundaries of East Asia by inviting NTU (Singapore) to join the Project in Mode 3. Tsinghua, KAIST, and Tokyo Tech have maintained close ties with NTU as founding member universities of ASPIRE (Asian Science and Technology Pioneering Institutes of Research and Education) League since 2009.
The proposed four-member ‘T2KN CAMPUS Asia Plus Consortium’ aims to continue improving higher education and nurturing future leaders of Asia mainly in, but not limited to, the fields of science and engineering through institutional-level cooperation. Each institution will support ten students on average per year to participate in various short- and long-term exchange programs run by the four partner institutions.

Detailed information about the programs can be found on the CAMPUS Asia website.

Intended for those who seek to

  • Conduct research projects in Tokyo Tech labs under the guidance of faculty members
  • Communicate with Tokyo Tech students and fellow participants from Tsinghua University, KAIST, and NTU

Information about past programs is available for reference.

CAMPUS Asia 2020 (Reference)

  • Program Period
    ・Summer School <Research-Oriented Program>
    Late June – Early August (7 weeks)
    *The Course-Oriented Program will not be held in 2020

    ・Joint Educational Program (JEP)
    Late September – Early February

    ・Summer School <Research-Oriented Program>+ Joint Educational Program (JEP)
    Late June – Early February

  • Number of Participants
    Five (5) students each from Tsinghua and KAIST

  • Student Status at Tokyo Tech
    International Exchange Student (non-regular, non-degree-seeking student)

  • Application Deadline
    January 20, 2020 (17:00 Japan Standard Time)

Program Details

Refer to the CAMPUS Asia website.

Application Procedures

Refer to the CAMPUS Asia website.

Fees and Expenses

Application, enrollment, and tuition fees for this program are waived.


Tsinghua and KAIST students: Scholarships will be provided by the home university.
NTU students: A Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) scholarship in the amount of JPY 80,000 per month is awarded to each CAMPUS Asia participant to subsidize their living, commuting, and miscellaneous expenses. The duration of scholarship may vary according to the participant’s length of stay.

After you are admitted

Each applicant receives the result of his/her application via email. Successful applicants are notified about documents required for CAMPUS Asia program participation.

FAQ & Inquiries

For inquiries, please contact the CAMPUS Asia Program Office. When sending your question, please indicate the following details in the subject line:

[Question]CAMPUS Asia/ Full name / Home university


CAMPUS Asia Program Office, Hosting International Exchange Group, Global Education Division
