Prospective Students
Tokyo Institute of Technology merged with Tokyo Medical and Dental University to form Institute of Science Tokyo (Science Tokyo) on October 1, 2024.
Over time, content on this site will be migrated to the Science Tokyo Web. Any information published on this site will be valid in relation to Science Tokyo.
Prospective Students
This page is primarily intended for prospective International Exchange Student participants in YSEP and ACAP, International Exchange Students (Other Participants), and International Visiting Students. Students interested in participating in Campus Asia, Tokyo Tech Summer Program, and Tokyo Tech Winter Program should refer to the individual program website.
(Updated on January 12, 2023)
What kind of programs does Tokyo Tech offer partner universities with a tuition-waiver provision?
Most students from our partner universities with a tuition-waiver provision apply for the tuition-waiver program, Young Science and Engineering Researchers Program (YSEP), or Academic Course Access Program (ACAP). Eligibility and application procedures differ between these two programs, so please check the details about each program first.
Young Science and Engineering Researchers Program (YSEP)
Academic Course Access Program (ACAP)
YSEP is offered as a research-oriented program, and ACAP is offered as a course-oriented program. Students who intend to conduct research activities at Tokyo Tech should select the YSEP program, while students who intend to take courses at Tokyo Tech should select the ACAP program from the fall semester of 2022. Basically, participants are free to choose which program they want to join.
How are YSEP and ACAP different?
The main features of each program are as follows:
1. Program Outline
| YSEP (Research-oriented program)
YSEP Participants conduct research activities under the guidance of an academic supervisor at Tokyo Tech.
● 1)Study and research under the guidance of an academic supervisor and make a presentation on one’s research (required)
● 2)Engage in at least one of the following activities (required):
(a) Take at least one of the following courses.
- Recommended Courses for International Exchange Students
- Japanese language
(b) Participate in one of the monthly events organized by Tokyo Tech.
(c) Make a presentation on one’s research.
● 3)Take elective course(s) offered at Tokyo Tech (optional)
(a) Master's and doctoral students can take all courses offered by the graduate school (conducted in English/Japanese).
(b) Undergraduate students in their final year can take courses for undergraduates (most of which are conducted in Japanese) and courses for graduates also open to undergraduate-level International Exchange Students (conducted in English). Before applying to this program, be sure to carefully check the information regarding course timetables and syllabi, and the list of courses from the previous year which details available graduate courses conducted in English, and confirm that your study plan matches course availability and that there will be no scheduling conflicts.
(c) Undergraduate students other than those in their final year can take only undergraduate courses mostly conducted in Japanese. Any courses conducted in English in the 100 and 200 levels cannot be taken.
| ACAP (Course-oriented program)
ACAP will accept students from the partner universities with which Tokyo Tech has established student exchange agreements with tuition waiver. Participants take courses offered at Tokyo tech.
● 1)Take course(s) offered at Tokyo Tech (required)
(a) Master's and doctoral students can take all courses offered by the graduate school (conducted in English/Japanese).
(b) Undergraduate students in their final year can take courses for undergraduates (most of which are conducted in Japanese) and courses for graduates also open to undergraduate-level International Exchange Students (conducted in English). Before applying to this program, be sure to carefully check the information regarding course timetables and syllabi, and the list of courses from the previous year which details available graduate courses conducted in English, and confirm that your study plan matches course availability and that there will be no scheduling conflicts.
(c) Undergraduate students other than those in their final year can take only undergraduate courses mostly conducted in Japanese. Any courses conducted in English in the 100 and 200 levels cannot be taken.
● 2)Engage in at least one of the following activities (required):
(a) Take at least one of the following courses.
- Recommended Courses for International Exchange Students (TBA)
- Japanese language
(b) Participate in one of the monthly events organized by Tokyo Tech.
2. Eligibility
Although both YSEP and ACAP participants must maintain student status at their home university during their period of study at Tokyo Tech, the eligibility requirements for each program are different.
| YSEP (Research-oriented program)
Those with student status at their home university, enrolled in the following programs at the time they start research at Tokyo Tech:
● Doctoral program
● Master’s program
● Bachelor’s program (at least two and a half years of study)
| ACAP (Course-oriented program)
Those with student status at their home university, enrolled in the following programs at the time they start coursework at Tokyo Tech:
● Doctoral program
● Master’s program
● Bachelor’s program (at least one year of study)
Except for undergraduate students in their final year, an official Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) result or equivalent document is required as students are supposed to take courses conducted in Japanese.
3. Period of Study
| YSEP (Research-oriented program)
● From 5 months to 1 year
● Starting only in April or October (Starting month of each semester)
| ACAP (Course-oriented program)
● From 1 quarter to 4 quarters (1 year)*
● Start in April, June, October, or December (Starting month of each quarter)
*For JASSO scholarship recipients, the period of study must start in either April or October and last from 2 quarters (a semester) to 4 quarters (a year).
Can I take courses in either the YSEP or ACAP program?
Yes. For YSEP participants, taking courses is optional. For ACAP participants, taking courses is mandatory.
Can I transfer credits obtained at Tokyo Tech to my home university?
Tokyo Tech issues an “Academic Record” for each student at the end of each semester, which may be used for credit transfer at the student's home university. How credits are transferred or recognized is decided by your home university, so it would be best to check with them about this first.
Please contact the student exchange office (or equivalent) at your home university. A nomination from your home university is required prior to application.
How can I find out about the Departments and faculty at Tokyo Tech?
Information about the Departments at Tokyo Tech is available on our website.
The Researcher Finder System called “STAR Search” is useful when searching for Tokyo Tech faculty members. You can search for a faculty member by Department name or by keywords in their research field.
Are there any restrictions on nationality for eligibility to apply for the program?
No, there are no restrictions on nationality.
Is there any possibility of being refused admission after the nomination process?
Once you have found an academic supervisor at Tokyo Tech and complete the online application successfully, admission is not likely to be refused.
In order to enroll, you need to find an academic supervisor at Tokyo Tech and get their approval before the online application. This is a major point in the application process. In addition, it is also important to find an academic supervisor who matches your field of research/study.
Students who will enroll at Tokyo Tech are required to obtain a "Student" visa. Details of the procedure are as follows:
1) Applicants submit an online application form for issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility (COE), which is required for visa application. (Details of the online application will be provided to the applicant by Tokyo Tech after receiving a recommendation from the partner university.)
2) Submit the application form for COE issuance to the Immigration Services Agency of Japan from Tokyo Tech.
3) The COE is delivered from the Immigration Services Agency to Tokyo Tech (it takes about 6-10 weeks).
4) The COE is sent from Tokyo Tech to the applicant (about one month prior to arrival in Japan).
5) Applicants bring the COE to a Japanese embassy/consulate to apply for and obtain a visa.
Click HERE for information on applying for your visa with a COE.
Please contact Tokyo Tech and explain your situation. If there are some documents you cannot submit in time for the application deadline, it may be possible to submit them at a later date.
● Application Fee
JPY 9,800 (Payment is due at the time of the online application.)
● Enrollment Fee
JPY 84,600 (Payment is due after arrival in Japan.)
● Tuition
JPY 29,700 per month (Payment is due after arrival in Japan.)
* If you are unable to enter Japan due to the effects of Covid-19 and wish to take classes online, you will be required to pay by overseas remittance.
What is the course schedule at Tokyo Tech?
The annual schedule is as below.
1. Spring Semester
| 1st Quarter
● Course Period
from early April to the end of May
● Supplementary Lectures and Exams
from the end of May to early June
| 2nd Quarter
● Course Period
from mid-June to the end of July
● Supplementary Lectures and Exams
from the end of July to early August
2. Fall Semester
| 3rd Quarter
● Course Period
from late September to mid-November
● Supplementary Lectures and Exams
from mid-November to late November
| 4th Quarter
● Course Period
from early December to the end of January
● Supplementary Lectures and Exams
from the end of January to early February
Please click here for more details.
Where can I find course information?
Refer to Course Information for International Exchange Students on this website for the latest information. The information is updated twice a year, prior to each semester. For detailed syllabi of each course, please refer to Tokyo Tech OCW (Open Course Ware).
How can I register for Tokyo Tech courses?
You will register courses on the Web System for Students and Faculty (Kyomu Web System) from the Tokyo Tech Portal. Detailed information will be provided at the orientation.
Can I take courses conducted in English?
Tokyo Tech offers a degree program called “International Graduate Program (IGP)” in which students can complete a degree in English. All graduate courses in IGP are offered in English and are available to International Exchange Students. If you are enrolled in a bachelor's program at your home university, you are only allowed to take a portion of these courses which is open to undergraduate-level students. For graduate students, most of the graduate courses offered in English are available.
Any courses conducted in English in the 100 and 200 levels cannot be taken.
Can I take courses outside of my Department/School?
Yes. Courses are not restricted by Department/School.
Can I take Japanese language courses?
Yes. Tokyo Tech offers Japanese language courses. However, since there is a limit to the number of registrants, not all students will be able to attend.
Are there any mandatory courses?
No, but there are recommended courses for International Exchange Students.
Is there a minimum number of credits that must be obtained at Tokyo Tech?
Yes, but only for ACAP participants. According to immigration rules, students who mainly take courses are required to take a minimum of 10 hours of classes per week in order to maintain their student visa status. One class at Tokyo Tech (e.g., periods 1-2 from 8:50 to 10:30) is 100 min., so if you are scheduled to take 6 classes per week, you will have 10 hours of class time per week. Courses with two classes per week would have double the class time.
If you take intensive courses, there is no problem as long as you have an average of about 10 hours of class time per week during your period of study.
For those not participating in ACAP, there are no rules about the number of credits. They can focus on doing research activities if they want.
Can I obtain credits by doing research activities?
Tokyo Tech does not offer courses that give credit for research. So basically, you cannot earn credits for research activities.
The Departmental Exchange Programs may have different conditions, so please contact the relevant program coordinator.
Can I do research activities for my master/doctoral thesis?
Since the exchange period is less than a year, it would be difficult to conduct research that would allow you to complete a thesis. However, in the past, there have been students who have conducted research at Tokyo Tech in fields related to their research at their home university, brought it back, and compiled it into a thesis. Whether this can be done or not is up to the academic supervisor at Tokyo Tech, since participants should discuss their specific research with them before coming to Japan.
What dormitories does Tokyo Tech have?
Tokyo Tech has several dormitories for international students. Please look at the Dormitories web page.
How can I apply for Tokyo Tech dormitories?
International Exchange Students are eligible to apply. Students will be placed on the housing waiting list through the International Student Exchange Division. YSEP or ACAP applicants will be asked to confirm their intentions to move into the dorms on the online application. Dormitories will be assigned to newly arriving international students based on several factors including the year of study at their home university and the location of the laboratory at Tokyo Tech. Students will be notified of the result around 4 to 6 weeks before their Tokyo Tech start date.
- As room availability is limited, not all incoming students will be assigned a dormitory room.
- We do not accept changes of dormitories assigned to applicants.
For further information about dormitories and accommodation, please refer to the following pages.
What scholarships are available?
International Exchange Students selected for YSEP or ACAP are eligible for consideration for the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Scholarship. The monthly stipend is JPY 80,000.
How can I apply for the scholarship?
Prospective students applying for YSEP or ACAP are eligible to apply for the JASSO Scholarship. They will be asked to confirm their intentions to apply for the scholarship on the online application. Tokyo Tech will select the recipients out of the applicants who answer that they intend to apply. Students will be notified of the result around 4 to 6 weeks before their Tokyo Tech start date.
- The number of JASSO scholarship recipients is limited, and recipient selection will be made by Tokyo Tech.
- Students receiving more than JPY 80,000 per month in total from other scholarships to study in Japan are ineligible for this scholarship. Also, some scholarship foundations do not allow their recipients to receive a stipend from another scholarship foundation. Please confirm that receipt of a JASSO scholarship WILL NOT jeopardize funding which you already receive from another scholarship foundation.
Unfortunately, International Exchange Students (Other Participants) and International Visiting Students are not eligible for the JASSO Scholarship.
How many campuses does Tokyo Tech have? Where can I find campus maps?
Tokyo Tech has three campuses. The campuses differ by School and Department.
Is there a buddy program for newly arrived international students?
We have a tutoring system for newly enrolled international students. Tutors will be appointed based on recommendations from their academic supervisors, meaning they will be chosen from among your lab mates. They will help you with all aspects of your Tokyo Tech life.
However, tutors may not be appointed in some cases, and staff members of the International Student Exchange Division will help you.
What is the cost of living in Tokyo?
It depends on where you live, but you will need at least JPY 100,000 per month as of 2022.
・Tokyo Tech Dormitory fees: JPY 27,500-65,000 (plus a separate move-in fee)
・Bottle of water: JPY 100-150
・Lunch at cafeteria at Tokyo Tech: JPY 400-600
・Lunch at café or restaurant in Tokyo: JPY 1,000-1,500
What insurances do we need and do you have any recommendations?
Tokyo Tech requests students to join the following:
1. [Compulsory] National Health Insurance
Students who will be staying in Japan for more than 3 months must enroll in the National Health Insurance. This insurance will cover 70% of the costs for medical treatment. You can apply for reduction of premiums because you are a student with no income. The exact cost depends on the municipality.
2. [Strongly recommended] "Gakkensai and Gakkenbai" (Disaster and Accident Insurance and Personal Liability Insurance)
These insurances are only for university students and cannot be taken out separately. (You must enroll in both.) These cover accidents during education activities only and together cost JPY 1,340 per year.
Is it necessary to open a bank account at a Japanese bank?
Yes, if you receive the JASSO scholarship or live in a Tokyo Tech dormitory. The monthly stipend is transferred to your bank account. We will give you necessary information at the orientation.
Does Tokyo Tech offer extracurricular clubs?
We have plenty of student organizations with club activities. However, these are mainly for regular (degree-seeking) students, so you need to ask them about joining. For your information, Tokyo Tech has an international student organization called TISA.