Research Compliance

Training Course on Research Integrity (Internal)

This training course is organized by Tokyo Tech.

Intended for all faculty and staff members, and JSPS Research Fellows.

Research ethics education APRIN e-learning program (eAPRIN)(Internal)

Researchers who participate is new projects funded by JST must complete APRIN e-learning program. Other funding agencies may also require researchers to complete eAPRIN.

Tokyo Tech has adopted eAPRIN for research ethics education for students, and all faculty and staff members are encouraged to take the eAPRIN.

Online plagiarism checker for research papers (iThenticate)(Internal)

Information on a plagiarism checking tool for doctoral dissertations and conference papers, etc. on submission.

Research Ethics Education and Compliance Education (Internal)

Please make use of the information on this website for training/education in departments.


Research Planning Division,
Research Compliance Group

Tel 03-5734-7643