Personal Information Policy

Policy on the Handling of Personal Information of Tokyo Institute of Technology Students and Their Personal Guarantor (or Contact Person)

Tokyo Institute of Technology (the “Institute”) will appropriately use and manage personal information to perform its duties, in accordance with the National University Corporation Tokyo Institute of Technology Personal Information Protection rules and regulations and the National University Corporation Tokyo Institute of Technology Personal Information Management rules and regulations.

Personal information of students, etc.
The term "personal information of students and their personal guarantor (or contact person)" denotes information that the Institute acquires and files through:
materials submitted by students upon enrollment (student cumulative record, high school and/or undergraduate transcript[s])
documents submitted after enrollment (course registrations, official communications regarding the student's status, scholarship application forms)
academic-related affairs during the student's time at the Institute
its educational systems, such as the Web System for Students and Faculty, Tokyo Tech Learning Portfolio, Tokyo Tech Open Course Ware (OCW), and T2SCHOLA
Specific examples of personal information
Student's name, home address, telephone number, academic background, date of birth, nationality, and any other incidental information
Personal guarantor's (or contact person's) name, home address, telephone number, relationship to the student, and other information including financial situation
Academic record, medical records, and other forms of the student's personal history while in attendance at the Institute
Purpose of use
When handling personal information outside the scope given in Sections 3-6 below, the Institute specifies and states the intended purpose of use in advance. The Institute will not use personal information for any other purpose. Should the Institute decide to change the purpose of use, it will either notify the person(s) concerned or publish an announcement on the Institute's campus bulletin boards and website.

Tokyo Institute of Technology

Personal information is used for the following purposes.
Admission procedures
Administration of academic affairs such as grade notification and educational guidance
Administration of general affairs related to the college life of students
Administration of the Institute's facilities and equipment
Dissemination of official information by the Institute
Conducting questionnaire surveys of alumni
Other matters related to purposes (i)-(vi)
Notification to students or personal guarantors (or contact persons) regarding tasks (i)-(vii)
Notification to personal guarantors of students' grades (bachelor's degree program students only)
Notification to personal guarantors of students' academic honors, awards, reprimands, or changes in status
Notification to personal guarantors (or contact persons) of late payment of tuition or dismissal
Sending of official magazines and provision of information to personal guarantors (or contact persons)
In cases where the Institute has a contractor perform any of the work described in Section 3, the Institute may provide the contractor with relevant personal information necessary to perform the work.
Sharing of personal information
Kuramae Kogyokai (alumni association)
Upon the request of the Institute alumni association Kuramae Kogyokai (a general incorporated association), the Institute may provide personal information (addresses and other contact information) of students and graduates.
Contact information:

About Kuramae Kogyokai (Japanese)

Facility information and access (Japanese)

Tokyo Institute of Technology University Co-op
Personal information (name, course registration, etc.) of students may be provided to Tokyo Tech Co-op when requested in the interest of convenience when selling textbooks to students.
Contact information:

Tokyo Institute of Technology University Co-op (Japanese)

Academic alumni groups
When requested by academic alumni groups, personal information (name, address, and other contact information) of students, graduates, and alumni may be provided through Kuramae Kogyokai (Tokyo Tech Alumni Association) based on the Institute’s agreement on sharing of personal information.

Contact information for academic alumni groups party to the Institute’s agreement on sharing of personal information

Personal information to be shared

Further conditions for disclosure and correction of information
Despite Sections 3-5 above, the Institute may use by itself or provide another person or organization with personal information for purposes other than the intended purpose in cases where any of the following conditions are deemed applicable (except in cases where such use may violate the rights and/or interests of the student concerned or a third party).
When the information is used or provided with the consent of the student concerned or when it is provided to the student
When the Institute uses personal information internally, to the extent necessary for performing work required by law, and there is a legitimate reason for such use of the information
When the personal information is provided to a government institution or other agency in which the person who receives the information uses it only to the extent necessary for performing work required by law, and there is a legitimate reason for such use of the information
In addition to the cases listed in the above three items, when the personal information is provided exclusively for producing statistics or academic research; when the provision of information to another person(s) is clearly beneficial to the student concerned; or when there are other legitimate reasons for providing personal information in the Institute's possession
Regulations for personal information protection can be found on the Institute's website.

Request for Disclosure of Information - Personal Information


This policy is subject to change upon amendment of legislation or the Institute’s rules and regulations.


General Administration Group, Student Division
