About Tokyo Tech

National University Corporation Evaluation

About the National University Corporation Evaluation

The National University Corporation Evaluation is conducted by the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology every fiscal year and at the end of 6-year mid-term objectives periods to evaluate progress in mid-term plans and the annual plans of national university corporations and inter-university research institute corporations.

For evaluations conducted at the end of mid-term objectives periods, the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee delegates the National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education to conduct the evaluation of education and research, which the NIAD-QE specializes in. The results of the evaluation by NIAD-QE are highly regarded.

Self-Assessment on the progress of the evaluation indicators of the 4th mid-term plan(FY2022-FY2027)

The following self-assessment indicates the progress of the evaluation indicators of the 4th mid-term plan. The following four levels of evaluation are used for the evaluation indicators.

Four levels of evaluation (Listed in the “state of progress”)

IV: Outstanding

III: Satisfactory

II: Poor

I: Unacceptable

Performance evaluations for the 3rd mid-term objectives period (FY2016-FY2021)

End-of-period performance evaluations for the 3rd mid-term objectives period (FY2016-FY2021)

Performance Report
Evaluation Organization
Evaluation Results
National University Corporation Evaluation Committee

Performance reports pertaining to education and research evaluations

Progress Report on Attainment of Mid-Term Objectives (End of 3rd Mid-Term Objectives Period) (Japanese)(1MB)

National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education

*Specialized evaluation of education and research activities conducted on request of the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee.

Performance evaluations at the end of the 4th year of the 3rd mid-term objectives period (FY2016-FY2021)

Performance Report
Evaluation Organization
Evaluation Results
National University Corporation Evaluation Committee

Evaluation results for Tokyo Tech

Results of Mid-Term Objectives Period Performance Evaluations (Japanese)(333KB)

Evaluation of the Achievement of Mid-Term Objectives (Evaluation at the End of the 4th year) (Japanese)(1301KB)

Results of Analyses of the Existing State of Education in Faculty Departments and Graduate Courses (Japanese)(305KB)

Results of Analyses of the Existing State of Research in Faculty Departments and Graduate Courses (Japanese)(378KB)

Concerning the results of 3rd mid-term objectives period evaluations, issued by the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee

Findings of the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee Chairman (Japanese)(76KB)

Summary of 3rd Mid-Term Objectives Period Performance Evaluations of National University Corporations and Inter-University Research Institute Corporations (Japanese)(5580KB)

National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education
* Specialized evaluation of education and research activities conducted on the request of the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee.

Performance Evaluations for Each Fiscal Year

Performance Report

Evaluation Results

Evaluation results for Tokyo Tech
FY2019 Performance Evaluation Results (Japanese)(739KB)

Evaluation results for national university corporations and inter-university research institute corporations
Summary of FY2019 Performance Evaluations of Designated National University Corporation (Japanese)(1285KB)

Evaluation results for Tokyo Tech
FY2018 Performance Evaluation Results (Japanese)(176KB)

Evaluation results for national university corporations and inter-university research institute corporations
Summary of FY2018 Performance Evaluations of Designated National University Corporation (Japanese)(5289KB)

Evaluation results for Tokyo Tech
FY2017 Performance Evaluation Results (Japanese)(176KB)

Evaluation results for national university corporations and inter-university research institute corporations
Summary of FY2017 Performance Evaluations of National University Corporations and Inter-University Research Institute Corporations (Japanese)(5289KB)

Evaluation results for Tokyo Tech
FY2016 Performance Evaluation Results (Japanese)(187KB)

Evaluation results for national university corporations and inter-university research institute corporations
Summary of FY2016 Performance Evaluations of National University Corporations and Inter-University Research Institute Corporations (Japanese)(1897KB)

Performance evaluations for the 2nd mid-term objectives period (FY2010-FY2015)

FY2010-FY2015 Performance evaluations

Performance Report
Evaluation Organization
Evaluation Results
Performance Reports for FY2015 and the 2nd Mid-Term Objectives Period (Japanese)(2,300KB)
*The report includes the FY2015 Evaluation Report
National University Corporation Evaluation Committee
National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education

* Specialized evaluation of education and research activities conducted on the request of the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee.

Performance Evaluations for Each Fiscal Year

Performance evaluations for each fiscal year of the 2nd mid-term objectives period (FY2010-FY2015)

Performance Report

Evaluation Results

Secondary Evaluation(*)

Results of FY2013 Performance Evaluations of National University Corporations and Inter-University Research Institute Corporations (Japanese)(156KB)

*Evaluation by the Commission on Policy Evaluation and Evaluation of Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)

Results of FY2012 Performance Evaluations of National University Corporations and Inter-University Research Institute Corporations (Japanese)(156KB)

*Evaluation by the Commission on Policy Evaluation and Evaluation of Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)

Results of FY2011 Performance Evaluations of National University Corporations and Inter-University Research Institute Corporations (Japanese)(156KB)

*Evaluation by the Commission on Policy Evaluation and Evaluation of Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)

Results of FY2010 Performance Evaluations of National University Corporations and Inter-University Research Institute Corporations (Japanese)(16KB)

*Evaluation by the Commission on Policy Evaluation and Evaluation of Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)

Performance evaluations for each fiscal year of the 1st mid-term objectives period (FY2004-FY2009)

FY2004-FY2009 Performance evaluations

Performance Report
Evaluation Organization
Evaluation Results
Performance Reports for FY2009 and Mid-Term Objectives Period (Japanese)(2,300KB)
*The report includes the FY2009 Evaluation Report
National University Corporation Evaluation Committee

Evaluation results for Tokyo Tech

Results of Mid-Term Objectives Period Performance Evaluations (Japanese)(261KB)

Results of Recommendation Statements Concerning Evaluation Results(93KB)

Results of Analyses of the Existing State of Education in Faculty Departments and Graduate Courses (Japanese)(335KB)

Results of Analyses of the Existing State of Research in Faculty Departments and Graduate Courses (Japanese)(284KB)

Concerning the results of 1st mid-term objectives period evaluations, issued by the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee

Findings of the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee Chairman (Japanese)(79KB)

Summary of 1st Mid-Term Objectives Period Performance Evaluations of National University Corporations and Inter-University Research Institute Corporations (Japanese)(479KB)

Progress of Improvements Implemented by National University Corporations and Inter-University Research Institute Corporations (Japanese) (301KB)

Significant Points of 1st Mid-Term Objectives Period Performance Evaluation Results (Japanese)(87KB)

National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation

*Specialized evaluation of education and research activities iconducted on the request of the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee.

FY2004-FY2007 Performance evaluation

An evaluation was conducted in FY 2008 of performance in the four years from FY2004 to FY2007 to serve as the basis for "Evaluation of performance in the mid-term objectives period (1st period: FY2004-FY2009)."
The evaluation assists in reexamining the overall state of their organization and performance conducted voluntarily by national university corporations and in formulating mid-term objectives and mid-term plans for the next mid-term period. The valuation is conducted one year before the end of the current mid-term objectives period so that results can be reflected in computing operating expenses and government subsidies for the next mid-term objectives period.

Performance Report
Evaluation Organization
Evaluation Results
National University Corporation Evaluation Committee
National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation
* specialized evaluation of education and research activities conducted on the request of the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee.

Performance evaluations for each fiscal year of the 1st mid-term objectives period (FY2004-FY2009)

Performance Report

Evaluation Results

Secondary Evaluation *

Trial Evaluations by the National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation (launched in FY2000-FY2002)

Social contribution through educational services
Liberal Arts Education (evaluated by course theme for courses begun in FY2000 and continuing)
Research activities in collaboration with private and public organizations (evaluation by research theme for research begun in FY2001)
Precision and Intelligence Laboratory (evaluation by research field for research begun in FY2001)
International collaboration and exchange activities (evaluation by course theme for courses begun in FY2002)

Related Laws and Regulations

1. The Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agency as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 35 of the National University Corporation Act (Extract) *The followings are the provisions after replacement of certain terms to be applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 35 of the National University Corporation Act (the "Act").

[Last revised: Act No. 108 of July 6, 2007]

(Evaluation on Results of Operations in Each Business Year)

Article 32 (1) A National University Corporation must undergo an evaluation conducted by the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee with regard to the results of the operations during each business year pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

(2) The evaluation set forth in the preceding paragraph must be conducted by comprehensively assessing the overall results of the operations during the relevant business year by investigating and analyzing the status of the implementation of the Medium-term Plan during the relevant business year and by taking into consideration the results of such investigation and analysis.

(3) When the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee conducts the evaluation referred to in paragraph (1), it must notify the relevant National University Corporation and the council specified by Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as the "Council") of the results of the evaluation without delay. In this case, the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee may recommend the relevant National University Corporation to improve the administration of its operations or make any other recommendations if the Committee finds this to be necessary.

(4) When the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee gives notification under the preceding paragraph, it must publicize the matters concerning such notification (or, if the recommendations under the second sentence of the same paragraph are made, the matters concerning such notification and the contents of such recommendations) without delay.

(5) The Council may state its opinions to the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee with regard to the results of the evaluation that it has been notified of pursuant to the provision of paragraph (3) if it finds this to be necessary.

(Evaluation on Results of Operations in Relation to Medium-Term Objectives)

Article 34 (1) A National University Corporation must undergo an evaluation conducted by the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee with regard to the results of the operations during the period for the Medium-term Objectives pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

(2) The evaluation set forth in the preceding paragraph must be conducted by comprehensively assessing the overall results of the operations during the period for the relevant Medium-term Objectives by investigating and analyzing the status of the achievement of the Medium-term Objectives during the period for the relevant Medium-term Objectives and by taking into consideration the results of such investigation and analysis, while requesting the National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation to conduct an evaluation of the status of education and research at national universities and inter-university research institutes provided for in Article 16, paragraph (2) of the Act on the National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation (Act No. 114 of 2003) and respecting the results of such evaluation.

(3) The provisions of Article 32, paragraphs (3) to (5) inclusive apply mutatis mutandis to the evaluation referred to in paragraph (1).

2. Ordinance for Enforcement of the National University Corporation Act(Extract)

[Last revised: Ordinance of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology No. 11 of March 31, 2008]

(Matters for Evaluation of Results of Operations in Each Business Year)

Article 10 (1) When a National University Corporation, etc. intends to undergo the evaluation conducted by the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee with regard to the results of the operations during each business year pursuant to the provision of Article 32, paragraph (1) of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agency as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 35 of the Act after deemed replacement, it must submit to the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee a report which clearly indicates the results by each item specified in the annual plan within three months from the end of the relevant business year.

(2) When the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee intends to determine the evaluation set forth in the preceding paragraph, it shall give the National University Corporation, etc. an opportunity to state its opinion in advance.

(Matters for Evaluation of Results of Operations during Period for Medium-term Objectives)

Article 12 (1) When a National University Corporation, etc. intends to undergo the evaluation conducted by the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee with regard to the results of the operations during each period for the Medium-term Objectives pursuant to the provision of Article 34, paragraph (1) of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agency as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 35 of the Act after deemed replacement, it must submit to the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee a report which clearly indicates the results by each item specified in the relevant Medium-term Objectives within three months from the end of the period for the relevant Medium-term Objectives.

(2) The provisions of Article 10, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis to the evaluation set forth in the preceding paragraph.

3.Diet Resolutions Incidental to the National University Corporation Act(Extract)

[House of Representatives]In enforcing this Act, the government and the persons concerned shall take special care with regard to the following matters.

(v) In evaluating national universities, the evaluation shall be conducted in accordance with clear and transparent standards, and sufficient consideration should be given to the succession and development of studies in fundamental academic fields and to the role of national universities to support basic structures of education, culture, industry, and so forth of the local communities. Further, when connecting the evaluation of the results of the Medium-term Objectives or other operations with the allocation of resources, efforts should be made to do the same prudently from the viewpoint of respecting the independency and autonomy of the universities. Also, efforts should be made not to make the operations for the evaluation too much burdensome to teachers and staffs of national universities. The members of the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee shall be appointed from among persons with excellent knowledge and insight on the education and research at universities and the administration of universities.

[House of Councillors]In enforcing this Act, the government and the persons concerned shall take special care with regard to the following matters in view of the significant effect of incorporation of national universities, etc. on the situation of higher education in Japan.

(vi) Reference materials, etc. concerning the Medium-term Objectives and the Medium-term Plans which the corporations are required to provide shall be simplified to the maximum extent possible. Further, special measures shall be taken not to make the operations for the evaluation too much burdensome to teachers and staffs.

(vii) In evaluating national universities, sufficient consideration should be given to the succession and development of studies in fundamental academic fields and to the role of national universities to support basic structures of education, culture, industry, and so forth of the local communities. Further, the opportunity given to universities to state their opinions prior to the determination of evaluation results shall be clearly provided for in the laws and regulations, and efforts should be made to enhance the reliability of the evaluation.

(viii) With regard to the evaluation system under the National University Corporation Act and the relation of the evaluation results to resource allocation, efforts should be made to operate the same prudently, in view of the objective of Article 3 of the same Act, and the evaluation system and the relation between evaluation results and resource allocation shall be constantly reviewed.

(ix) The members of the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee shall be appointed from among persons with excellent knowledge and insight on the education and research at universities and the administration of universities. Fairness and transparency of the evaluation shall be secured by publicizing the names and careers of the members of the Committee and the minutes of the meetings of the Committee, as well as by making the meetings of the Committee open to the public, and by other means.


Evaluation Group, Planning Division

Email kik.hyo@jim.titech.ac.jp