Prospective Students
Tokyo Institute of Technology merged with Tokyo Medical and Dental University to form Institute of Science Tokyo (Science Tokyo) on October 1, 2024.
Over time, content on this site will be migrated to the Science Tokyo Web. Any information published on this site will be valid in relation to Science Tokyo.
Prospective Students
The answers provided on this page apply to domestic applications* for April and September enrollment.
*They do not, however, apply to domestic applications for IGP.
・Information is available on the Institute website for Admissions Schedule.
・Applicants must refer to the printed edition of the Application Guides for schedule details.
【Master's Degree】What is the Individual Assessment of Admission Eligibility?
・A screening procedure conducted by the Institute to assess the eligibility of individuals wishing to apply for a master’s degree program. Individuals who have not completed (nor expecting to complete) a bachelor’s degree program may be deemed eligible to apply if they meet certain requirements.
・Holders of a bachelor’s degree (or expected holders) do not need to request the Individual Assessment of Admission Eligibility.
・Refer to the Application Guides for details.
・Yes, provided that you satisfy either of the following:
(a) If you have been awarded or are expecting to be awarded a bachelor’s degree by the National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (i.e., you qualify under eligibility condition 2);
(b) If you apply for and pass the Individual Assessment of Admission Eligibility (i.e, you qualify under eligibility condition 10.1).
・Refer to the Application Guides for details.
【Master's Degree】Do I need to submit a score report for an English proficiency test?
・Yes, with the exception of the Department of Mathematics that conducts its own English proficiency test. As stipulated in the guidelines, other departments* use external English proficiency test scores (i.e., TOEFL-iBT, the revised TOEFL Paper-delivered Test, and TOEIC L&R) as a substitute for conducting their own tests.
*The School of Environment and Society also uses external English proficiency test scores to assess applicants of its professional master’s degree program in Technology and Innovation Management.
・Refer to the Application Guides for details.
・There are cases where applications are rejected due to late submission of test scores.
・Scores from TOEIC S&W and institutional testing programs of TOEFL and TOEIC (e.g., TOEFL-ITP, TOEIC-IP) will not be accepted.
・Submit the original score report sent by ETS. Neither photocopies of the original nor downloaded score reports will be accepted.
・Score reports that are sent directly from ETS to the Institute will not be accepted.
・Make sure to submit a valid test score.
【Master's Degree】What happens if I cannot submit my English proficiency test score by the deadline?
You must submit the score report by the deadline specified in the Application Guidelines. Delayed submissions, score reports that do not meet criteria, and printouts of scores displayed online will not be accepted. We will also not accept score reports directly sent from ETS.
【Master's Degree】Can I apply to more than one department?
【Master's Degree】Can I apply to more than one program at the Institute?
・Applicants are not permitted to do the following:
(i) Apply to a different program at Tokyo Tech while awaiting admission results for another program;
(ii) Submit applications to multiple master’s degree programs for the same enrollment period.
Applications where either of the above two cases is found to apply will be rejected or revoked.
・There are no restrictions regarding applications to programs offered by other universities.
No, the address does not need to be the one that is registered in juminhyo?. Use the address where you reside and where you may receive mail.
・Photocopies, photos taken on “purikura” machines, and photos printed on normal and printer papers are not permitted. Images that have been digitally modified are not permitted either.
・The photographs are used to verify the identity of applicants who come to the Institute to take their entrance examination. If verification using the Photograph Card proves to be difficult, examination supervisors may request applicants to present a photo ID card*.
*Photo ID card: Identification written in either English or Japanese with a photograph of the holder (e.g., a driver’s license, a student ID card, an employee ID card, a passport).
・Applicants will still be permitted to take the exam if they do not have an ID card.
・Applicants from an overseas university must also submit a degree confirmation letter or a letter verifying their expected degree.
・If any of the documents are written in a language other than Japanese or English, they must be submitted together with Japanese or English translations that have been verified by an official organization (e.g., an embassy or notary office).
・Submit only original documents (photocopies are not accepted). If original documents cannot be submitted, copies certified by an official organization (e.g., an embassy or notary office) must be submitted.
【Master's Degree】How should a foreign national write their name down in the Application Form?
Please write your name in the Latin alphabet as it appears in your passport.
・None of the above methods of payment is possible.
・Payment can only be made at a post office or bank in Japan by using the payment slip that is provided to applicants by the Institute.
・Payment can be made by a proxy.
No documents regarding your graduate degrees are required. Only submit documents that confirm your bachelor’s degree program, namely an academic transcript and a certificate of graduation (or expected graduation).*
*Note that only originals will be accepted.
Certificates and transcripts that identify applicants by their birth names are acceptable. Make sure you indicate the change in your name in the Application Form (i.e., write your former name in parentheses after your current legal name).
Example of a changed surname: Ken Tanaka (Suzuki)
Example of a changed first name: Joe (Jane) Stewart
【Master's Degree】Can I apply under my birth name instead of my legal name?
You may choose to apply using either your legal name or birth name.Write whichever name you wish to use on the Application Form, with your other name included in parentheses.
Example of applying under a birth surname: Ken Suzuki (Tanaka)
Example of applying under a birth first name: Jane (Joe) Stewart
【Master's Degree】 May I send application documents from outside of Japan?
Please complete online application first, then send required documents by post. You can send them from outside of Japan, making sure that the documents arrive at Tokyo Tech by the designated application deadline. When sending from overseas, you do not have to affix a 宛名ラベル nor a stamp on the envelope. Envelopes other than 角形2号 size will be accepted as long as they can hold A4-size documents.
Please send the documents to the below address.
Admissions Division
Tokyo Institute of Technology
West Bldg. 8E 212,
2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku
Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
Tel: 03-5734-3990
Please note that the current address to be registered at the online application must be in Japan. You can register your proxy’s address as the current address. In that case, please include “[your proxy’s name in Japanese]様方” at the end of the address.
【Master's Degree】Where will the entrance examinations be held?
・Schedule A’s oral examination and Schedule B’s interview will be held either at Ookayama Campus or Suzukakedai Campus, depending on the department or school*.
*The School of Environment and Society that is responsible for the entrance examination for the professional master’s degree program in Technology and Innovation Management.
・Schedule B’s written examination will be held at Ookayama Campus.
It is up to each Department whether the exam questions can be in English or whether applicants are allowed to reply in English. Please check the Application Guidelines, and if you still have questions, contact the section specified in 【記載内容及び入試に関する問合わせ先】 in the Application Guidelines.
【Master's Degree】Are past exam papers available?
・Past exam papers are available online at the following URL.
・For more past exam papers, consult the department* to which you are applying.
*Consult the School of Environment and Society if you are applying for a professional master’s degree program in Technology and Innovation Management.
・This is decided by the relevant departments* through the screening of application documents (schedules are not determined based on the applicant’s university). Details of the entrance examination schedule will be sent out with the Entrance Examination Card.
*In the case of applications for the professional master’s degree program in Technology and Innovation Management, the School of Environment and Society is responsible for the screening process.
・Applicants for whom eligibility condition 9 applies will be required to take their exam under Schedule B.
【Master's Degree】 May I consult my prospective academic supervisor prior to application?
Some Departments may instruct students to contact their prospective academic supervisors prior to application. Please check the 【出願にあたっての注意】 (points to note when applying) section in the Application Guidelines. If there are no specific instructions, you can decide whether to contact them or not.
・Notify the Students Services Department of your change of address by providing the following details: (i) examinee number, (ii) full name, (iii) new address and postal code, (iv) date of address change.
*Note that the division you need to contact will depend on when you move. If you move in the same year in which you submitted your application, notify the Admissions Division ( If you move in the following year, notify the Student Division (
・Remember also to notify your local post office when you move so that your mail will be forwarded to the new address.
【Master's Degree】How do I obtain a Certificate of Eligibility (COE)?
・If you need to apply for a COE after you have been admitted to a degree program, contact the Admissions Division via email (
・Note that applications for a COE can only be made after admission results are out. This means that applicants who are admitted to enroll in September will be unable to obtain a COE in time. Foreign national applicants can therefore only apply for “September or April enrollment” if they (i) are residing in Japan at the time of application, and (ii) have a long-term residency status that will be valid at the time of enrollment in September.
【Master's Degree】Are the numbers of examinees and successful applicants publicly announced?
Data is available on Tokyo Tech’s Admission Statistics web page.
【Master's Degree】How do I get to choose my graduate major?
・Your choice of possible graduate majors will depend on who becomes your academic supervisor (this will be made known in the Notification of Acceptance letter).
・Applicants admitted for September enrollment will be notified of their major in the Notification of Acceptance letter.
・Applicants admitted for April enrollment will be sent details of the possible graduate majors they can choose from with the Notification of Acceptance letter. If multiple majors are available, applicants must fill out the List of Preferred Graduate Majors form and return it to the Institute. They will be notified of their graduate major at the end of October.
【Master's Degree】How is the time of entry, either April or September, decided?
・When you submit your application, you may choose to apply for either (i) April enrollment, or (ii) September or April enrollment.
・If you choose (ii), the department† to which you apply will make the decision regarding your time of enrollment based on its curriculum, etc. You will be notified of the time of enrollment with your admission result.
*The School of Environment and Society will make the decision if you apply for a professional master’s degree program in Technology and Innovation Management.
・Applicants with disabilities and other health-related needs are requested to inform the Admissions Division in advance of the application period. The Institute provides reasonable accommodations for applicants and students regarding its entrance examination and education in accordance with their needs.
・You will be required to complete and submit a request form (provided by the Institute) and a medical certificate.
・Information is available on the Institute website for Admissions Schedule
・Applicants must refer to the printed edition of the Application Guides for schedule details.
【Doctoral Degree】What is the Individual Assessment of Admission Eligibility?
・A screening procedure conducted by the Institute to assess the eligibility of individuals wishing to apply for a doctoral degree program. Individuals who have not completed (nor expecting to complete) a master’s or professional master’s degree program may be deemed eligible to apply if they meet certain requirements.
・Holders of a master’s or professional master’s degree (or expected holders) do not need to request the Individual Assessment of Admission Eligibility.
・Refer to the Application Guides (printed edition) for details.
【Doctoral Degree】Do I need to submit a score report for an English proficiency test?
・Yes, with the exception of some departments that conduct their own English proficiency tests. As stipulated in the guidelines, other departments use external English proficiency test scores (i.e., TOEFL-iBT, the revised TOEFL Paper-delivered Test, TOEIC L&R, and IELTS) as a substitute for conducting their own tests.
・Refer to the Application Guides (printed edition) for details.
・There are cases where applications are rejected due to late submission of test scores.
・Scores from TOEIC S&W and institutional testing programs of TOEFL and TOEIC (e.g., TOEFL-ITP, TOEIC-IP) will not be accepted.
・Submit the original score report sent by ETS (for TOEIC or TOEFL) or the British Council (for IELTS). Neither photocopies of the original nor downloaded score reports will be accepted.
・Score reports that are sent directly from ETS or the British Council to the Institute will not be accepted.
・Make sure to submit a valid test score.
≪Exemption from providing proof of English proficiency≫
・It is possible that native English speakers or students who have been awarded an undergraduate and/or graduate degree* from an institution where all instruction was in English may not be required to take an English proficiency test.
・If you wish to be granted this exemption, consult your intended academic supervisor prior to your application.
・Whether or not you need to provide an English proficiency test score will be determined by the department you are applying to.
・If exemption applies, you must submit the notification you receive from the department granting exemption with other application documents.
*Undergraduate and graduate degrees should be equivalent to the Japanese educational definitions of undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral degrees
≪Taking an English test in lieu of submitting an English proficiency test score≫
・If there is a special reason for being unable to submit an English proficiency test score as instructed by the department to which you are applying, provide an explanation to your intended academic supervisor in advance.
・If the reason is accepted by the department, the test score may be replaced by an oral or written examination.
・In this case, you must submit the notification you receive from the department regarding this change with other application documents.
・You will not be eligible to take the entrance examination if you cannot submit your score* at the time of application or by the date of your entrance examination (refer to the Application Guidelines for details).
*An original score report must be submitted.
・Note that depending on the department, applicants may be granted exemption from an English proficiency test or may be allowed to take an oral or a written test in lieu of submitting a test score.
・To request either of the above, applicants must consult their intended academic supervisor prior to their application.
・Refer to the Application Guides (printed edition) for details.
≪Exemption from providing proof of English proficiency≫
・It is possible that native English speakers or students who have been awarded an undergraduate and/or graduate degree* from an institution where all instruction was in English may not be required to take an English proficiency test.
・If you wish to be granted this exemption, consult your intended academic supervisor prior to your application.
・Whether or not you need to provide an English proficiency test score will be determined by the department you are applying to.
・If exemption applies, you must submit the notification you receive from the department granting exemption with other application documents.
*Undergraduate and graduate degrees should be equivalent to the Japanese educational definitions of undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral degrees
≪Taking an English test in lieu of submitting an English proficiency test score≫
・If there is a special reason for being unable to submit an English proficiency test score as instructed by the department to which you are applying, provide an explanation to your intended academic supervisor in advance.
・If the reason is accepted by the department, the test score may be replaced by an oral or written examination.
・In this case, you must submit the notification you receive from the department regarding this change with other application documents.
【Doctoral Degree】Can I apply to more than one department?
No, the address does not need to be the one that is registered in juminhyo?. Use the address where you reside and where you may receive mail.
・Photocopies, photos taken on “purikura” machines, and photos printed on normal and printer papers are not permitted. Images that have been digitally modified are not permitted either.
・The photographs are used to verify the identity of applicants who come to the Institute to take their entrance examination. If verification using the Photograph Card proves to be difficult, examination supervisors may request applicants to present a photo ID card*.
*Photo ID card: Identification written in either English or Japanese with a photograph of the holder (e.g., a driver’s license, a student ID card, an employee ID card, a passport).
・Applicants will still be permitted to take the exam if they do not have an ID card.
・Applicants from an overseas university must also submit a degree confirmation letter or a letter verifying their expected degree.
・If any of the documents are written in a language other than Japanese or English, they must be submitted together with Japanese or English translations that have been verified by an official organization (e.g., an embassy or notary office).
・Submit only original documents (photocopies are not accepted). If original documents cannot be submitted, copies certified by an official organization (e.g., an embassy or notary office) must be submitted.
【Doctoral Degree】How should a foreign national write their name down in the Application Form?
Please write your name in the Latin alphabet as it appears in your passport.
・None of the above methods of payment is possible.
・Payment can only be made at a post office or bank in Japan by using the payment slip that is provided to applicants by the Institute.
・Payment can be made by a proxy.
・No documents regarding your doctoral degree are required. Only submit documents that confirm your master’s degree program, namely an academic transcript and a certificate of graduation (or expected graduation).*
・Depending on which department you are applying to, you may also be required to submit an academic transcript* for your bachelor’s degree.
*Note that only originals will be accepted.
【Doctoral Degree】My master’s thesis will not be ready in time for application. What should I do?
・Submit what you can at the time of application: the thesis summary and your unfinished thesis.
・A thesis summary must be submitted for all applications. However, the submission of a thesis depends on the Department you are applying to.
≪Summary of master's thesis≫
・In lieu of a thesis summary, submit a summary of a research project that was conducted as part of your master’s or professional master’s degree program.
≪Master's thesis≫
・In lieu of a master’s thesis, submit a report of a research project that was conducted as part of your master’s or professional master’s degree program.
・Note:A thesis summary must be submitted for all applications. However, the submission of a thesis (or its equivalent) depends on the Department you are applying to.
Certificates and transcripts that identify applicants by their birth names are acceptable. Make sure you indicate the change in your name in the Application Form (i.e., write your former name in parentheses after your current legal name).
Example of a changed surname: Ken Tanaka (Suzuki)
Example of a changed first name: Joe (Jane) Stewart
【Doctoral Degree】Can I apply under my birth name instead of my legal name?
You may choose to apply using either your legal name or birth name.Write whichever name you wish to use on the Application Form, with your other name included in parentheses.
Example of applying under a birth surname: Ken Suzuki (Tanaka)
Example of applying under a birth first name: Jane (Joe) Stewart
【Doctoral Degree】When and where will the entrance examination be held?
Dates and locations depend on the department to which you are applying.
Information will be notified by the your intented department after the Entrance Examination Card has been sent.
【Doctoral Degree】Are past exam papers available?
No past exam papers are available. Consult your prospective academic supervisor for an overview of exam content.
・Notify the Admissions Division ( of your change of address by providing the following details: (i) examinee number, (ii) full name, (iii) new address and postal code, (iv) date of address change.
・Remember also to notify your local post office when you move so that your mail will be forwarded to the new address.
【Doctoral Degree】How do I obtain a Certificate of Eligibility (COE)?
・If you need to apply for a COE, Contact the Admissions Division ( via email once your admission has been confirmed.
【Doctoral Degree】What should I do if I lose my Entrance Examination Card?
・Contact the Admissions Division ( immediately.
・A photograph and an identification card will be necessary to reissue an Entrance Examination Card.