Prospective Students

Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for Undergraduates (University Recommendation (Priority))

At a glance

  • When to apply
    Mid August to early September of the year prior to intended enrollment

  • Applicable Program
    Global Scientists and Engineers Program (GSEP)

  • Pursued Degree

  • Admission

  • Stipend
    JPY 120,000/month

  • Period
    Within the standard period for completion

General Prospectus

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study at Japanese universities under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program.

Tokyo Tech recommends scholarship candidates from among the applicants for Global Scientists and Engineers Program (GSEP) to MEXT. Applicants who wish to receive the scholarship must apply for it with the application for GSEP.


1. EligibilityOpen/CloseOpenClose

2. NationalityOpen/CloseOpenClose

3. AgeOpen/CloseOpenClose

4. Academic BackgroundOpen/CloseOpenClose

5. Field of StudyOpen/CloseOpenClose

6. Language ProficiencyOpen/CloseOpenClose

7. HealthOpen/CloseOpenClose

8. Arrival in JapanOpen/CloseOpenClose

9. VisaOpen/CloseOpenClose

10. Non-eligibilityOpen/CloseOpenClose

11. OtherOpen/CloseOpenClose

Scholarship Period

Within the standard period required for completion (4 years)

Scholarship Benefits

Stipend: JPY 120,000
Education fees: Enrollment and tuition fees will be waived by Tokyo Tech. The entrance examination (application) fee will be reimbursed if the applicant is allocated to Tokyo Tech by MEXT.
Travel expenses: Air tickets to/from Japan will be provided by MEXT under certain conditions.

Cessation of Scholarship Benefits

MEXT will stop provision of scholarship benefits in the following situations. Should any of the following apply, the scholarship recipient may be ordered to return part or the entirety of the scholarship benefits received up to that time. Provision of scholarship benefits may also be suspended during the period up to the decision on the disposition of the matter.

The recipient made a false statement on their application.
The recipient violated an article of the Pledge to the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
The recipient violated a Japanese law and was sentenced and imprisoned for an indefinite period or for a period exceeding 1 year.
The recipient was suspended from Tokyo Tech or received other punishment, or was removed from the Tokyo Tech register as a disciplinary action in accordance with the regulations of Tokyo Tech.
It has been determined that it will be impossible for the recipient to complete their graduate program within the standard period of study because of poor academic grades or suspension or absence from Tokyo Tech.
The recipient arrived in Japan without having newly acquired “Student” status, or changed their residence status to one other than “Student.”
The recipient withdrew from Tokyo Tech or moved to another university.
The recipient failed to attain a grade point average of 2.30 or above in each year.

The monthly stipend will not be granted to a recipient who takes a leave of absence or is long absent from Tokyo Tech.


Applicants must follow the application guidelines for GSEP.


  • Information on this page is as of the 2024 academic year and is subject to change as specified by the regulations of the MEXT Scholarship program which is published every December.
  • It might be possible that the Japanese government rejects Tokyo Tech's recommendation of the scholarship candidates even if they meet all the eligibility conditions. Such decisions could be made just before enrollment, and may result in cancellation of enrollment. Refer to the application guidelines for GSEP for details.