Special Measures for Tuition Exemption
Tokyo Tech will take special measures concerning tuition exemption ("special exemption") for undergraduate students, to reduce adverse consequences resulting from implementation of the Japanese government's financial support system for higher education ("new support system") commencing in April 2020. Students eligible for special exemption are those who entered a bachelor's program in or before AY 2019.
While the government's new support system is expected to enhance undergraduate education, there may be cases where financial support for current students will be reduced due to major changes.
For example:
- The new support system is available only to Japanese students.
- Tuition deduction will be one-third, two-thirds, or 100% (currently 50% or 100% of tuition).
- Maximum household income of applicants for tuition exemption will be drastically lowered.
With the support of the government's transitional measures, Tokyo Tech will provide special exemption in order to reduce the burden on students affected by tuition increase and other changes. We hope to prevent any loss of opportunity to study.
In principle, Japanese students can apply for special exemption only once while enrolled in a bachelor's program. Application for the new support system is required as a prior condition. If students are not eligible or not selected for the new support system, they may apply for special exemption once during the following academic year and afterwards. International students can apply for special exemption once per academic year.
Eligible applicants for special exemption are 1st- to 3rd-year undergraduate students (both Japanese and privately funded international students) in the current academic year (AY 2019).
Note that the special measures for tuition exemption will be terminated in March 2023.
Please refer to the following application information for AY 2022. Keep in mind that the application period, documents, and requirements for privately funded international students differ from those for Japanese students. (February 24, 2022 updated)
【Emergency Tuition Exemptions for Undergraduate Students who Affected Financially by COVID-19 in the Spring Semester AY 2022】 The information is available here. (April 1, 2022 updated)
We have released exemptions from tuition for the 2022 Fall Semester.
Information on "Emergency Tuition Exemption for Undergraduate Students Affected Financially by COVID-19 inthe Fall Semester AY 2022" is now available HERE. (September 1, 2022 updated)
Privately Funded International Students (Undergraduate)
1. Eligibility
Applicants must be both of the following:
- 4th-year bachelor's students in AY 2022
- Those who are unable to pay the tuition due to financial difficulties but have demonstrated outstanding academic performance
*Privately financed international students sent by their Government are not eligible for exemption of the tuition.
*In principal, a student who extend year to complete the course is not eligible.
2. Application and Evaluation
Eligible students may apply for special exemption either in the spring or fall semester.
For applications made in the spring semester, exemption will be considered for both spring and fall semesters. Applications in the fall semester will be considered for that semester only.
According to our regulations, Tokyo Tech will review and evaluate applicants' financial circumstances, such as income and deductible expenses, as well as academic performance. We may contact individual applicants concerning information provided.
3. Application Schedule
Spring semester
Download application materials
February 24 to May 24, 2022
Application materials must be downloaded from the website during the above period. |
Application period
March 11 to March 24, 2022
May 11 to May 24, 2022
Open only to applicants who completed the primary application. Supporting documents must be submitted (e.g., income verification)
Fall semester
Download application materials
September 1 to September 27, 2022 Application materials must be downloaded from the website during the above period. |
Application period
September 13 to September 27, 2022 |
In principle, students can apply for special exemption once per academic year. In case of a significant change in financial circumstances, please consult the Student Support Division regardless of the application period.
4. Application Documents
Necessary documents may differ for each applicant. Please refer to the application guide for details.
For spring semester, submit primary and secondary documents on each specified submission deadline.
For fall semester, submit primary documents with secondary documents on specified submission deadline. (Application is only one step, not two steps.)
Documents for primary application include:
- 1.
- Application form for tuition exemption (or application form for postponement of tuition payment, if applicable)
- 2.
- Documents verifying housing expenses (e.g., a copy of housing contract)
- 3.
- Identification (e.g., a copy of Certificate of Eligibility)
- 4.
- A self-addressed envelope with postage affixed (for notification of application results)
Documents for secondary application include:
- 1.
- A financial status report
- 2.
- Documents verifying income
Please download application materials between September 1 and September 27, 2022 by clicking the file titles.
AY 2022 application for tuition exemption for privately funded international students (undergraduate) Application guide Forms for primary application Forms for secondary application
Emergency Tuition Exemption for Undergraduate Students Affected Financially by COVID-19 in the Fall Semester AY 2022
Application Information Declaration of Change in Household Income Due to COVID-19 Declaration of drop in income received from sources other than salary (Japanese)
5. Submission of Application (delivery address)
Submit the application documents at the office directly or by postal mail. In addition, make sure to use the tracking system (ex:registered mail, etc.) when you send the application documents by postal mail, and they must arrive by the deadline.
(Inquiry and submission on campus) Ookayama Campus Taki Plaza, Floor1
(Submission by postal mail) Financial Aid Group, Student Support Division, Student Services Department Tokyo Institute of Technology TP-102, 2-12-1 Ookayama Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-8550 Japan
6. Applications Results
Decisions on applications will be: full exemption; 50% exemption; or disapproved. Applicants will receive a written notification of the results in mid-July for the spring semester and late December for the fall semester (TBD). After having received a rejection or an exemption for half the amount, the tuition must be paid promptly by the designated date.
7. Postponement of Tuition Payment
The conditions and application process are the same as above when students who will pay tuition in full apply for postponement of payment. Applicants must submit application forms and other certifications.
When postponement is approved, the tuition must be paid by the end of July for the spring semester, and by the end of January for the fall semester.
8. Important
- If you have applied, please do not make payment until you have been notified of the decision. If you do, your application will be canceled.
- As applications are available only once per academic year, it is advisable to thoroughly review the application conditions.
- Strong academic performance, etc. may have a favorable effect on applications for exemption.
9. Inquiries and Contact
For more information, feel free to contact us by email. Please make sure to include your name, student ID number, and phone number. We will answer your questions by email or telephone.
Financial Aid Group, Student Support Division: gak.kei@jim.titech.ac.jp
Also, visit the Tuition web page for information about regular tuition payment (how to pay, date on which the amount is charged to applicants' accounts, etc.).