Financial Support

Financial support for matriculation fees and tuition

The University offers a program to defer payment of the matriculation fee and tuition, and a separate program to waive half of the matriculation fee and half or all of tuition, for students of limited means.

Class tuition support program for doctoral students (teaching and research assistantships)

From April 2008 to March 2018, matriculating and continuing doctoral program students meeting the qualifications listed below can receive funds equivalent to class tuition (or funds equivalent to half of class tuition if the other half of tuition has already been waived) as compensation for doing teaching or research work as TAs (teaching assistants) or RAs (research assistants). (For details, see the doctoral program financial support.)
Students joining the doctoral program after April 2018, may refer to Student Support for Doctoral Students.

Japan Student Services Organization loans

The Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) is the largest source of academic loans in Japan. About 20% of Tokyo Institute of Technology students take advantage of the program, which is open to students who are Japanese nationals and some foreign students, such as long-term residents. Class 1 loans are interest-free, while Class 2 loans charge interest.

*Students planning to enroll as undergraduates should inquire at their high school about reserving a loan.

Support from private foundations (for students who are Japanese nationals)

Recipients are recruited by local public organizations and private foundations, etc., which provide loan-based support (must be paid back) or salary-based support (need not be paid back).
Additionally, Tokyo Institute of Technology established its own salary-based support program in fiscal year 2011.

Scholarships for international students

Non-Japanese students attending Tokyo Institute of Technology at their own expense are eligible to apply for two types of scholarships from private scholarship foundations. The procedure for applying for each of these private scholarships is different. In one case, the student can apply directly for the scholarship without any recommendation from the University. In the second case, a recommendation from the University is required.

Other support for doctoral students

Educational loans from the Japanese government

The Japan Finance Corporation, a government-affiliated financial institution, offers educational loans. Details may be found at the Japan Finance Corporation web site.


Financial Aid Group, Student Support Division
