About Tokyo Tech

Tokyo Tech Review 2018

Showcase Videos and Photos

GSEP vision, TSE aspiration: Going beyond borders
Quantum science and technology
Dormitory life at Tokyo Tech
Renewed website section features new Tokyo Tech Research Map
Tokyo Tech Festival 2018

We hope your 2018 was fun and fulfilling. Tokyo Tech welcomed Kazuya Masu as its new President in April and instituted a wide range of new measures and activities to further enhance its research and education programs. In this issue we highlight some of these activities through videos and photos in the following categories: Overview, education, research, students, researchers, and campuses.




  • Sustainable energy through artificial photosynthesis

  • All-solid-state batteries

  • 15 new planets confirmed around cool dwarf stars

    15 new planets confirmed around cool dwarf stars

  • The physics of finance helps solve a century-old mystery

    The physics of finance helps solve a century-old mystery

  • Shaking up megathrust earthquakes with slow slip and fluid drainage

    Shaking up megathrust earthquakes with slow slip and fluid drainage

  • Reducing CO2 with common elements and sunlight

    Reducing CO2 with common elements and sunlight

  • High Performance Nitride Semiconductor for Environmentally Friendly Photovoltaics

    High Performance Nitride Semiconductor for Environmentally Friendly Photovoltaics

  • Scientists fine-tune carbon nanotubes for flexible, fingertip-wearable terahertz imagers

    Scientists fine-tune carbon nanotubes for flexible, fingertip-wearable terahertz imagers

  • Tokyo Tech and Tohoku University partner to advance quantum computing

    Tokyo Tech and Tohoku University partner to advance quantum computing

  • Hideo Hosono's story of IGZO TFT development features in Nature Electronics

    Hideo Hosono's story of IGZO TFT development features in Nature Electronics

  • Expanding the limits of Li-ion batteries: Interface for all-solid-state batteries

    Expanding the limits of Li-ion batteries: Interface for all-solid-state batteries

  • Harnessing energy from algae: Scientists identify enzyme that could help accelerate biofuel production

    Harnessing energy from algae: Scientists identify enzyme that could help accelerate biofuel production

  • Lighting it up: A new non-toxic, cheap, and stable blue photoluminescent material

    Lighting it up: A new non-toxic, cheap, and stable blue photoluminescent material

  • Quantum science and technology

    Quantum science and technology

  • Ready for a close-up: The science behind face massage rollers

    Ready for a close-up: The science behind face massage rollers





Editor's Note

The total number of Tokyo Tech Newsletters posted on the official website in 2018 was 216, and there were 44 Special Topics (as of December 7, 2018). In each issue of the Tokyo Tech Newsletter we share the enthusiasm that individual students and faculty have for their research and education. We will continue to publish interesting and informative features on Tokyo Tech activities in 2019.

New Year's holidays

The Institute's New Year's holidays are scheduled as follows:

Saturday, December 29, 2018 to Thursday, January 3, 2019.

Offices reopen on Friday, January 4, 2019.


The Special Topics component of the Tokyo Tech Website shines a spotlight on recent developments in research and education, achievements of its community members, and special events and news from the Institute.

Past features can be viewed in the Special Topics Gallery.

Published: December 2018


Public Relations Division, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Email pr@jim.titech.ac.jp